
年度/Academic Year 2023
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 日本事情ⅣS
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Japanese Culture and Society ⅣS
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 市田 せつ子
英文氏名/Instructor (English) ICHIDA,Setsuko

講義概要/Course description
To be familiar with the Japanese traditional and contemporary theaters and theater plays.
To compare the Japanese and your home country's theaters.
To compose some scene for a imaginary theater with conversations in Japanese and play them in class with your partner students, possibly based on famous traditional Japanese theater plays.
達成目標/Course objectives
To understand what you are experiencing in Japan from another angle and perspective.
To express your experience in Japan fully in your language and your new language - Japanese, too. 
To share it in class and maybe to be encouraged to experience more.
学部・研究科のディプロマポリシー(卒業認定・学位授与の方針)に基づき、当該科目を履修することで身につく能力 / Abilities to be acquired by completing the course in accordance with the faculty and graduate school diploma policy (graduation certification and degree conferral)
学部・研究科のディプロマポリシー(卒業認定・学位授与の方針)/ Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Policy (Graduation Certification and Degree Conferral)
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class We will meet in the classroom from the first class. Introduction of the class. Self-Introduction by the instructor. Icebreaking questions and answers in groups and small group presentations with some key words and sentences in Japanese.【Face-to-face classes from the first time】
授業計画/Class Origin of theaters. The history of Japanese theaters. 演劇の根源。日本の演劇史。
授業計画/Class The Noh(the Japanese traditional mask-theater) with its special stage and famous theory and plays.
授業計画/Class The Kyogen (comedy played in the intermission of Noh-plays) and the differences between this and Noh-plays.  狂言(能の幕間に演じられた喜劇)、能と狂言の違いについて。
授業計画/Class How do you classify theaters in your home country? Do you know some famous plays, dialogues and monologues from them? First experiment to create conversations for an imaginary theater, based on your experiences in japan (like between a station clerk and a passenger, a man and a woman, a grown-up and a child etc.).  あなたの国にはどのような演劇がありますか?有名な芝居の科白がありますか?想像の舞台にかける会話の試作(駅員と客、男と女、大人と子どもetc.) 
授業計画/Class The Bunraku (the traditiona puppet-theater in Japan)uppet-theater in Japan) and its famous plays and theory. 文楽(日本の伝統的な人形劇)とその理論および有名な脚本。 
授業計画/Class The Kabuki (Japanese traditional united stage art - theater with songs and dances) and its famous plays such as "the 47 masterless vassals" and "the Yotsuya horror story". 歌舞伎(日本の伝統的な舞台総合芸術)とその有名な演目(『仮名手本忠臣蔵』や『四谷怪談』)。
授業計画/Class Japanese modern theaters since the Meiji Restauration until today's global borderless nationless theaters and theater festivals. Preparation for workshops in ongoing weeks. 明治維新以来の日本の演劇の近代化と今日のグローバル化された演劇や演劇祭について。次次週よりのワークショップの準備。
授業計画/Class Preparation for workshops. What Japanese traditional theater interested you and made you think you want to know more about it? To make 4 groups for each kind ot them (Noh, Kyogen, Bunraku and Kabuki). To discuss and plan your own group prensentation. ワークショップの準備。日本の伝統的な演劇のどれか一つを取り上げてグループごとに研究目標を決め、発表の準備をする。
授業計画/Class Workshop under the topic "Noh". 能をテーマにワークショップ
授業計画/Class Workshop under the topic "Kyogen". 狂言のワークショップ
授業計画/Class Workshop under the topic "Bunraku". 文楽をテーマにワークショップ
授業計画/Class Workshop under the topic "Kabuki". 歌舞伎をテーマにワークショップ
授業計画/Class Reflection on workshops. What are other possibilities to access each kind of theater. What connects us to the traditional theaters, what separates us from them? What is the meaning to create an imaginary world on site, in the media society? ワークショップを振り返る。伝統演劇が今日に残しているものと、伝統を今日から隔てさせる現在の社会条件、新たな伝統へのアプローチがあるか?演劇の未来は?
授業計画/Class Some simple composition as a test about what you learned in this class. A small farewell party. 学期末の作文テスト及び、ささやかなお別れ会。
事前学習/Preparation Read so many famous plays and theater theories as possible which I upload in English. Try to read them (though in old Japanese) also in Japanese original. They are easy to have online or at the library. 多くの脚本や理論書が英訳され、アップロードしますので、それをできるだけたくさん読んでください。日本語の原文も(昔の日本語ですが)もネットや図書館ですぐに手に入るので、目を通してください。
事後学習/Reviewing Every day you see new people and sceneries. Just take so much memo as possible and connect it with what you would like to present. 授業外では毎日新しい人に会い、新しい景色を見る。それらをメモして、自分の発表と結びつけてみよう。
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 試験 Exam 20% Based on the basic vocabularyand concepts of Japanese traditional and modern theaters, create your ideas inconnection with daily experiences in Japan.
2 レポート Report 40% Same as above, given as mid-term task and in response to class-by-class topics 
3 平常点 In-class Points 40% Individual short presentations
Group project and presentation
(depth and precision of analysis , information quality and findings,participation in discussion and argumentation)