
年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 英語による日本理解Ⅰ
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Understanding Japan with English Ⅰ
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 複数担当者
英文氏名/Instructor (English)

講義概要/Course description
このコースでは、芸術のみならず様々な文化や社会の側面を多様な表現方法で提示する「ミュージアム」をテーマとし、日本と世界の「ミュージアム」を通して情報の分析と分類法を学び、情報を論理的に提示する訓練を行う。日本の文化や歴史に関わる様々なトピックを選び、テキストを読み、確な定義づけや解説、持論の展開ができる能力をさらに高める。また、学期を通してコミュニケーションとプレゼンテーションにも重点を置く。具体的には、英語のネイティヴ・スピーカー(ゲスト講師)を交えてコミュニケーション能力の維持・向上をはかりつつ(TOEIC等の学力認定試験対策も兼ねる)、日本文化を発信するためのプレゼンテーション能力を強化する。グループ別の「プロジェクト・ワーク」などを取り入れ、企画を進めるおもしろさを体験しながら、文化のすぐれた「受信者=発信者」としての総合的なリテラシーを身につけるのが狙いである。また、1年時に習得したAcademic Writingの知識と技術を応用し、日本文化の一側面を論理的かつ明確に表現するための小論文も課される。
達成目標/Course objectives
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Orientation, Classroom Rules and Language, Course Grading System / TOEIC Strategies Review; Developing TOEIC Skills Introduction p.6-11;Japan Quiz: Review general knowledge of Japan
事前学習/Preparation Purchase assigned textbooks / Review TOEIC taking skills learned in the first year
事後学習/Reviewing Review the Course Outline / Read the “Tokyo’s best museums blow the cobwebs away” article and start thinking about museums
授業計画/Class Introduction to World Museums: Describe museums; DevelopingTOEIC Skills Unit 1 p.13-15 / Paris Museum Pass: Practice skimming and scanning for information in texts from an authentic website
事前学習/Preparation Collect information about a museum in another country of their choice / Research museums and famous exhibits in Paris online
事後学習/Reviewing Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 1 p.20-21 / Search museums in Tokyo for a new Tokyo Museum Pass
授業計画/Class Writing Assignment: Learn assignment requirements, start writing an informative essay; Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 1 p.16-17 / Computers and Technology (Future Inventions): Discuss past, present, and future technology; Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 1 p.18-19
事前学習/Preparation Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 1 p.22-23 / Research using the Computer History Museum website
事後学習/Reviewing Writing Assignment: Research various aspects of Japanese culture and start thinking about writing assignment topics / Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 1 p.24-26
授業計画/Class Computer History:Practice reading for the main idea, describe company histories / Describing Art I: Learn vocabulary and phrases appropriate to discussing art; Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 2 p.27-29
事前学習/Preparation Writing Assignment: Research more information about an aspect of Japanese culture of their choice / Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 2 p.32-35
事後学習/Reviewing Writing Assignment: Start writing a draft for the assignment / Find and research a favorite piece of art to present on
授業計画/Class Describing Art II:Present a favorite piece of art to the group / Artist Biography: Describe life stages/achievements, Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 2 p.30-31
事前学習/Preparation Prepare a short presentation about a favorite piece of art / Find and research a favorite artist
事後学習/Reviewing Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 2 p.36-40 / Research the history of money in Japan at http://www.imes.boj.or.jp/cm/english/
授業計画/Class Money and Currency:Review verbs to do with money and discuss the Japanese economy / Japanese Currency Museum: Learn about Japanese monetary history; Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 3 p.41-43
事前学習/Preparation Complete the first draft of Writing Assignment / Read an article about Japan’s economy
事後学習/Reviewing Find and research a person on a bank note of their choice / Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 3 p.46-49
授業計画/Class Mini-group presentations(Person on a bank note) / Review: Review vocabulary, topics, and TOEIC skills for the exam; Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 3 p.44-45
事前学習/Preparation Prepare a mini group presentation about a person on a bank note / Prepare notes to review for the examination
事後学習/Reviewing Prepare notes to review for the examination / Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 3 p.50-54
授業計画/Class Review and Examination /Presentation Project: Introduction, form presentation groups and select a museum; Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 4 p.55-57
事前学習/Preparation Review for the exam / Preview a list of museums for group presentations
事後学習/Reviewing Reflect on the examination and review any lesson content that was challenging/ Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 4 p.60-63, Visit the selected museum as a group
授業計画/Class Celebrations and Traditions: Explain and describe common Japanese celebrations and traditions / Festivals Around the World: Describe different festivals and their meanings; Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 4 p.58-59
事前学習/Preparation Research Japanese celebrations and traditions / Research interesting festivals around the world
事後学習/Reviewing Prepare a short presentation about a Japanese festival / Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 4 p.64-68, Begin work on the group presentation
授業計画/Class Japanese Customs and Habits: Describe Japanese customs and habits, give advice to foreigners in Japan / Japanese Pottery: Describe objects/exhibits; Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 5 p.69-71
事前学習/Preparation Research Japanese customs and habits / Read an article about old Japanese pottery
事後学習/Reviewing Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 5 p.74-77 / Rewrite the draft of Writing Assignment based on feedback from the teacher
授業計画/Class Signs and Symbols I:Discuss symbols and their meanings / Signs and Symbols II: Think about symbols commonly associated with Japan; Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 5 p.72-73
事前学習/Preparation Read an article about Japan changing map symbols of places/objects for tourists / Research common symbols we see in everyday life
事後学習/Reviewing Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 5 p.78-82 / Prepare an outline for the group presentation
授業計画/Class Presentation Preparation I: Time for students to work in their groups for their presentation /Describing Places: Practice describing towns and architecture; Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 6 p.83-85
事前学習/Preparation Complete the group presentation outline / Prepare a short presentation on a place and/or building in Tokyo/Japan
事後学習/Reviewing Complete the final draft of Writing Assignment / Continue individual work on presentations, Developing TOEIC Skills Unit 6 p.88-91
授業計画/Class Describing Food:Practice useful vocabulary for describing food / Presentation Preparation II:Time for students to work in their groups for their presentation; DevelopingTOEIC Skills Unit 6 p.86-87
事前学習/Preparation Read an article about Japanese food culture / Prepare for the group presentation
事後学習/Reviewing Developing TOEIC SkillsUnit 6 p.92-96 / Continue individual work on presentations
授業計画/Class Presentation Skills Review and Practice / Presentations I: Make a presentation as a group; be an active listener
事前学習/Preparation Prepare for the group presentation / Practice the presentation
事後学習/Reviewing Review presentation skills and practice for the presentation / Review and self-assess presentations
授業計画/Class Presentations II: Make apresentation as a group; be an active listener / Review and Wrap-up
事前学習/Preparation Practice the presentation / Organize all the handouts and vocabulary list for this course
事後学習/Reviewing Review and self-assess presentations / Review what has been learnt during the course
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notes対面授業(通常型):すべての授業を対面で実施する。
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 100% Examination 20%   The examination will be administered about halfwaythrough the term. Students are evaluated on how well they do on the test.
Group Presentation 20%   The presentation will be done in groups of 3 or 4students. Each student will receive a maximum of 10 points for the individual score, and a maximum of 10 points for the group score. Detailed evaluation criteria will be introduced in class.
Writing Assignment 20%   Students are required to submit an essay on a given topic twice during the term: the first draft and the final draft. Detailed evaluation criteria will be introduced in class.
Homework 20%   Students are evaluated on how well they do assigned homework.
Class Participation  20%   Students are evaluated how actively they participate in class maintaining English only.
課題(試験やレポート等)に対するフィードバックの方法/Feedback methods for assignments (exams, reports, etc.)
Feedback to the group presentation will be provided to each group orally during preparation lessons and in written form after the presentation. Feedback to the writing assignment will be given individually in written form on students' assignment either on paper or via CoursePower.
Published year
1 Andrea Janzen and Michael Souza Developing TOEIC® Skills SEED LEARNING 2017 9781944879778 \2,800