講義概要/Course description
指定された数冊の教科書の中から担当者が選択したテキストを基に授業を進める 本授業では言語インプット活動としてのリーディングとアウトプット活動としてのライテ ィングを中心とした授業を行う。学業に関連ある英文を辞書を有効に活用しながら理 解し、基本的文法構造を活用してまとまりのある英文や報告文を書けるように実践 的な練習を行う。また、学期末に実施する試験のほかにも定期的に到達度を評価す る。
In this course, students will learn reading and writing. They should be able to understand an academic passage by making effective use of a dictionary and write a coherent report / essay using simple sentences . Achievement will be evaluated regularly.
達成目標/Course objectives
English CoreI-bで習得した英語力を基にして、読解力と作文力を更に伸長させる ことを目的とする。アカデミックまたは科学的な文章の構成とその内容が把握でき、 インターネットや参考文献の文章や図表から正確な情報を得ることができるようにす る。更に、自分の意見を含めた物語文などをパラグラフ単位で書くことができるよう にする。
Based on the skills previously acquired in English Core I-b, this course aims to further increase students’ ability to comprehend English and compose written texts. Students should be able to understand both the structure and the content of a particular passage written in basic English.
Upon the completion of this course, students can 1. understand a passage with academic or scientific context. 2. retrieve correct information from the Internet, references and diagrams. 3. write narratives while expressing their own personal opinions in the form of a paragraph or an essay.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class |
Introduction / meet the teacher / class preview / Write a 180+ word written self-introduction.
授業計画/Class |
Unit 3 (Connected Lives)Reading 1
授業計画/Class |
Unit 3 (Connected Lives)Reading 2 / Introduction to writing assignment I
授業計画/Class |
Unit 3 review / focus on writing: paragraph
授業計画/Class |
Unit 1 (Happiness) reading 1/writing assignment I due / introduction to writing assignment II
授業計画/Class |
Unit 1 reading 2
授業計画/Class |
Unit 1 review / focus on writing / writingassignment II due
授業計画/Class |
Test I (Units 1 & 3) / Introduction to Writing III
授業計画/Class |
Unit 2 (Memory & Learning) reading 1 /
授業計画/Class |
Unit 2 reading 2
授業計画/Class |
Unit 2 review / focus on writing / writing assignment III draft due
授業計画/Class |
Unit 5 (Memory & Learning) reading 1 /
授業計画/Class |
Unit 2 & Unit 5 review /Writng III Due
授業計画/Class |
Test II (Units 2 & 5) / Introduction to Writing III
事前学習/Preparation |
Read the prescribed reading. Write new vocabulary and notes in your vocabulary notebook.
事後学習/Reviewing |
Review today's reading. Review Class notes. Complete assigned writing task(s). |
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class |
対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method |
通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notesThe first class on Wednesday, April 6th will be held online. Details how to join the online class will be announced on Course Power. There is a possibility that all classes may be moved online, depending on the pandemic.
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used |
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1. Class score (40%) writing I (15%) writing II (20%) class work (5%) 2. Test score class tests (15% +15%) xReading (10%) 3. TOEIC (Pretest) (10%) 4. E-learning (10%)
課題(試験やレポート等)に対するフィードバックの方法/Feedback methods for assignments (exams, reports, etc.)
Class tests, xReading etc. will be conducted online and feedback will be automatic. General oral & written feedback will be provided for writing and class work (identity will be hidden). Peer feedback will be an important part of this class.
| 著者名 Author | タイトル Title | 出版社 Publisher | 出版年 Published year |
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Larie Blass & Mari Vargo
Pathways: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking , Second Edition
Cengage Learning
In this class, we will read content about improving yourself and the world around you. We will pay attention to how we can learn more effectively and communicate more clearly and persuasively. We will focus on how good writing has a clear structure or pattern. When you recognise these patterns and learn to use them yourself, you will find you can better understand texts and communicate more effectively. The syllabus may change slightly as we proceed and the situation develops. Any changes will be fair and you will be informed in advance.
English, writing, creativity, summarizing, critical-thinking