授業計画/Class |
Guidance and Introduction of Java programming (1): explanation of this course, installation of the Integrated development environment for Java programming Eclipse, and brief introduction of Java programming (face-to-face class, lectured by Prof. Morita.) |
授業計画/Class |
Introduction of Java programming (2): command-line arguments, class and instance, access modifier, and details of constructor (lectured by prof. Morita) |
授業計画/Class |
Introduction of Java programming (3): package, instance/static methods, and exception handling (lectured by prof. Morita) |
授業計画/Class |
Introduction of Java programming (4): subclass, abstract class, and interface (lectured by prof. Morita) |
授業計画/Class |
Introduction of Java programming (5): Command-line argumnts, input from keyboard, reading / writing files, and external librries (lectured by prof. Morita) |
授業計画/Class |
Introduction of Java programming (6): collection (ArrayList, LinkedList, and HashMap) and interface. (lectured by prof. Morita) |
授業計画/Class |
Application programming (1): make a program to count frequencies of words in a text document and find characteristic keywords (lectured by prof. Morita) |
授業計画/Class |
Application programming (2): complete a simple machine learning program to build a decision tree from a set of examples in the form of attribute-value pairs by making methods to compute information and information gain of an attribute (lectured by prof. Morita) |
授業計画/Class |
Java programming for matrix object and file input / output. (lectured by prof. Sumi) |
授業計画/Class |
Java programming for plotting a graph. (lectured by prof. Sumi) |
授業計画/Class |
Javaprogramming for solving a simultaneous linear equation by Gauss eliminationmethod. (lectured by prof. Sumi) |
授業計画/Class |
Java programming for solving a non-linearequation by Newton method. (lectured by prof. Sumi) |
授業計画/Class |
Java programming for function interpolationby Lagrnge method and for function approximation by least-square mthod. (lectured by prof. Sumi) |
授業計画/Class |
Java programming for solving matrix eigen-valueproblem by Jacobi method. (lectured by prof. Sumi)
授業計画/Class |
Spare class for completing all of the above assignments. (lectured by prof. Sumi) |
事前学習/Preparation |
The excercise mateial for each class is opened one week advance on CoursePower. Read the instruction and write codes for each assignmnt. For class no. 9 to no. 14, review and understanding of mathmatical model (数理モデル解析法) is required. |
事後学習/Reviewing |
Complete all assignments and submit the source codes and results as a report.