
年度/Academic Year 2017
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 国際平和協力論Ⅱ(英語講義)
英文科目名/Course Title (English) International Peace and Cooperation Ⅱ(in English)
学期/Semester 後期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 藤重 博美
英文氏名/Instructor (English) FUJISHIGE, Hiromi

講義概要/Course description
This course explores peacebuilding s that follow after civil wars. Building lasting peace following internal conflicts is, in effect, meant to rebuild states that have fallen into disrepair. Peacebuilding-related activities are typically conducted under the auspices of the international community, which is eager to integrate liberal vales (e.g. democracy, human rights, a market economy) as the basis for reconstruction in post-conflict states. In reality, the international emphasis on liberal ideologies often meets resistance in war-torn nations, which tend to have conservative cultures and traditional values. This raises a crucial question, whether it is appropriate and effective to apply liberal ideas to a conflicted non-Wester nation. In this class, we will consider the ramifications of this question, applying theoretical means and case studies.
達成目標/Course objectives
Upon completion of this fall semester course, students should have a better understanding of what is involved in peacebuilding, especially in terms of theoretical analysis.

授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Course guidance: What and how will we study in the course?
事前学習/Preparation None. 
事後学習/Reviewing None. 
授業計画/Class Lecture (1) The basics of peace operations
事前学習/Preparation Please read the assigned material(s).    
事後学習/Reviewing Pleasereview the study of this week.    
授業計画/Class Lecture (2) The origin of peacebuilding
事前学習/Preparation Please read the assigned material(s).  
事後学習/Reviewing Pleasereview the study of this week.   
授業計画/Class Lecture (3)  The concepts of peacebuilding
事前学習/Preparation Please read the assigned material(s).
事後学習/Reviewing Please review the study of this week.
授業計画/Class Lecture (4)  The liberal peace thesis
事前学習/Preparation Please read the assigned material(s).
事後学習/Reviewing Please review the study of this week.
授業計画/Class Review of the Lectures 
事前学習/Preparation Please review for the lecture part.
事後学習/Reviewing Pleasereview the study of this week.  
授業計画/Class Discussion: Will the liberal values fit well in non-Western the post-conflict nations?
事前学習/Preparation Please review the study of the previous weeks and prepare for the discussion.
事後学習/Reviewing Please review the study of this week.
授業計画/Class Group Presentation (1) Angola and Rwanda
事前学習/Preparation Please prepare for your presentation if you are assigned for the week.
If not, please readthe assigned material(s) and prepare your questions for the Q & A session. 
事後学習/Reviewing Please review the study of this week. 
授業計画/Class Group Presentation (2) Cambodia and Liberia
事前学習/Preparation Please prepare for your presentation if you are assigned for the week.If not, please readthe assigned material(s) and prepare your questions for the Q & A session.
事後学習/Reviewing Pleasereview the study of this week. 
授業計画/Class Group Presentation (3) Bosnia and Croatia
事前学習/Preparation Pleaseprepare for your presentation if you are assigned for the week.If not, please readthe assigned material(s) and prepare your questions for the Q & A session.   
事後学習/Reviewing Pleasereview the study of this week    
授業計画/Class Group Presentation (4) Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala
事前学習/Preparation Pleaseprepare for your presentation if you are assigned for the week.If not, please readthe assigned material(s) and prepare your questions for the Q & A session. 
事後学習/Reviewing Pleasereview the study of this week    
授業計画/Class Group Presentation(5) Namibia and Mozambique
事前学習/Preparation Pleaseprepare for your presentation if you are assigned for the week.If not, please readthe assigned material(s) and prepare your questions for the Q & A session. 
事後学習/Reviewing Pleasereview the study of this week.    
授業計画/Class Discussion: The Limits of Wilsonianism 
事前学習/Preparation Please read the assigned material(s) and prepare for the discussion. 
事後学習/Reviewing Please review the study of this week. 
授業計画/Class Reviewing the course
事前学習/Preparation Please review the study of the course.
事後学習/Reviewing Please prepare for the examination next week.
授業計画/Class Term examination
事前学習/Preparation Please review the entire course.
事後学習/Reviewing Good luck!
授業方法/Method of instruction
(1) In weeks 2-5, lectures will be delivered on peacebuilding.
(2) In weeks 6, we will review the lectures.
(3) In week7 and 13, we will discuss the designate topics.
(4) In week 8-12, students are expected to make a 30 minute group presentation on designated UN topics, followed by the Q and A sessions.
(5) In week 14, we will  review of the course as well as the discussion.
(6) In week 15, students will sit for a final examination. 
1 100% Class participation (25%)
Group presentation (25%)
Term examination (50%) 
1 Roland Paris, At War's End: Building Peace after Civil Conflict, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004).
参考書/Reference books
1 Richmond, Oliver P. (eds.), Failed statebuilding : intervention and the dynamics of peace formation, (New Haven: Yale UP, 2014).

Ginty,R. M. and O.Richmond (eds.), Theliberal peace and post-war reconstruction: myth orreality?(Abington,Oxon: Routledge, 2009).   

We will consider not only practical issues but also theoretical aspects in peace building. Enjoy!
The content of the syllabus is subject to change.
Peacebuilding         Peacekeeping     United Nations