
年度/Academic Year 2017
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 英語による日本研究Ⅱ
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Japanese Studies (in English) Ⅱ
学期/Semester 後期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) FONDEVILLA,H.L.
英文氏名/Instructor (English) FONDEVILLA, Herbeth Lim

講義概要/Course description

This course aims at providing insight and deeper understanding on everyday life and culture in Japan. Classes will discuss pressing issues such as gender, community revitalization, and the aging society, as well as food culture, youth, fashion, TV dramas, among others. Students are expected to emerge from the course with an appreciation for the complexity of modern Japanese life, with the tools of inquiry useful for further study.
達成目標/Course objectives
1. Develop a deeper understanding and critical eye of Japanese culture.
2. Develop the ability to construct what students want to say as an organized discourse.
3. Practice formulating thoughts and ideas in writing.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Class introduction
事前学習/Preparation Students are requested to review the syllabus prior to class.
事後学習/Reviewing Create an account on Edmodo and get familiar with its use.
授業計画/Class Wrap-up Discussion
事前学習/Preparation Students should jot down any final thoughts and questions about the topics discussed in class before discussion.
事後学習/Reviewing Proofread final essay and upload to Edmodo on or before July 25
授業計画/Class Nostalgia and Technology
事前学習/Preparation Skim through:
"How Japan Shaped Nostalgia in Games"
事後学習/Reviewing Write down reflections and questions on class journal.
授業計画/Class Nostalgia and Travel: The Meaning of Furusato
事前学習/Preparation Skim through:
"Furusato Japan: The Meaning and Politics of Nostalgia" by Jennifer Robertson and
"Consuming Rural Japan: The Marketing of Tradition and Nostalgia in the Japanese Travel Industry" by Millie Creighton
事後学習/Reviewing Write down reflections and questions on class journal.
授業計画/Class Nostalgia in Tokyo
事前学習/Preparation Skim through:
"Yanaka Ginza: Nostalgia in Japan"
事後学習/Reviewing Write down reflections and questions on class journal. Get started on your nostalgia project.
授業計画/Class Fieldwork: Searching for Nostalgia
事前学習/Preparation Students should look online into nostalgic places they can visit around Tokyo.
事後学習/Reviewing Start organizing photos and notes taken during the nostalgia trip.
授業計画/Class Men, Women and Change: Women and the Gender Gap
事前学習/Preparation Skim through:
"Female Objectification and the Gender Gap in Japan"
事後学習/Reviewing Write down reflections and questions on class journal.
授業計画/Class Men, Women and Change: LGBT in Japan
事前学習/Preparation Skim through:
"How manga is guiding Japan's youth on LGBT issues"
事後学習/Reviewing Write down reflections and questions on class journal.
授業計画/Class Outline and bibliography
事前学習/Preparation Students are expected to turn in a brief outline and three sources for their nostalgia project.
事後学習/Reviewing This is a good time for students to start writing their final essay.
授業計画/Class The Japanese Family
事前学習/Preparation Watch clips of "Sazae-san" and "Crayon Shin-chan"
事後学習/Reviewing Write down reflections and questions on class journal.
授業計画/Class The Japanese Family: Finding Love in Japan
事前学習/Preparation Preview the short documentary:
"Finding Love in Japan"
事後学習/Reviewing Write down reflections and questions on class journal.
授業計画/Class The Japanese Family: Senior Relationships
事前学習/Preparation Skim through:
"Graduating from Marriage in Japan"
"Japan Enters the Age of Silver Divorces"
事後学習/Reviewing Write down reflections and questions on class journal.
授業計画/Class Writing Workshop
事前学習/Preparation Students are expected to turn in part of their final essay for editing and assessment.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should start preparing the slides for their final presentation.
授業計画/Class Presentation
事前学習/Preparation Students should upload their presentations on Edmodo prior to class.
事後学習/Reviewing Write finishing touches to final essay.
授業計画/Class Wrap-Up Discussion
事前学習/Preparation Students should jot down any final thoughts and questions about the topics discussed in class before discussion.
事後学習/Reviewing Write down reflections and questions on class journal.
授業方法/Method of instruction
Lectures and discussion
1 100% Attendance and Participation: Regular attendance and active participation in class are essential. In addition,students are required to write their reflections in a weekly journal after the lecture/ discussion. This will help them organize their thoughts about what they have learned, and clarify any questions they may have on the topic.
Presentation: Students will be asked to make a final presentation about their final essay. Visual aids are encouraged.
Nostalgia Project: On November 14, students are required to submit a brief outline and three sources for their photo essay. Their final project should be accompanied by captions related to the photos with a 150-word introduction. Due on January 23.

Attendance and journal: 36
Class presentation: 20
Nostalgia Project: 50 (presentation:25, style:10, copy:15)
Bonus: 6 (Bonus points may be given for exceptional work, such a research, writing, or presentation)
TOTAL: 100

1 Students are requested to read, watch, or download their readings and videos prior to class.
Office Hours:
Wednesdays, 2-3:30 PM or by appointment.
Class contents may change during the course of the semester.
Students are required to create an account on Edmodo. Instructions will be given on the first day of class.

1. Please come to class as often as you can. A student with more than three unexcused absences will be considered as “dropped out,” and will receive a failing grade.
2. Late submissions will be given point deductions.
3. I take plagiarism very seriously. Any student caught plagiarising work will automatically fail the course.
4. Absolutely NO SLEEPING in class.
5. Please take calls outside of the classroom.

contemporary Japan, nostalgia, family, love, family, marriage, gender, LBGT, English