
年度/Academic Year 2019
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 日本学A
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Japanology A
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 吉波 弘
英文氏名/Instructor (English) YOSHIBA, Hiroshi

講義概要/Course description
Course Summary:
This course is mainly offered to students from abroad and is designed to explore various issues about Japan. It is a required course for exchange students and an elective course for degree students from abroad. This course will focus on some academic themes from the humanities, social science, and science/technology, and is designed to be taught by the main instructor and a few additional teachers, if they are available, to cover subjects in the wide academic range. 
達成目標/Course objectives
Theme and Goal:
This course aims at giving an opportunity to international students to think about and understand various aspects of Japan and to compare them with those of their own countries.

授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Week 1. What is Japanology? (「日本学」について)
事前学習/Preparation Come to class being open-minded.
事後学習/Reviewing Work on your first assignment.
授業計画/Class Week 2. People: (1) Migration routes(日本人:(1)移動経路)
事前学習/Preparation Bring some basic knowledge on origins of the current human races.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 3. People: (2) DNA types(日本人:(2)DNA型)
事前学習/Preparation Give some consideration to a possible genetic relationship between Japanese and other peoples.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 4. Language :(1) Genetic types(日本語:(1)類型)
事前学習/Preparation Check what kind of academic field Comparative Linguistics is.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 5. Language: (2) History(日本語:(2)歴史)
事前学習/Preparation Bring your knowledge on Japanese languages, both Old and Modern.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 6. Nature: (1) Climates(自然環境:(1)気候)
事前学習/Preparation Compare Japanese natural environment with that of your own country.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 7. Nature :(2) Setoyama(自然環境:(2)里山)
事前学習/Preparation Bring your knowledge on Japanese natural disasters.
事後学習/Reviewing Start preparing for your midterm paper.
授業計画/Class Week 8. Traditional Customs and Festivals(伝統行事・習慣と祭)
事前学習/Preparation Gather information on these subjects.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 9. Traditional Food Culture(伝統的食文化)
事前学習/Preparation Print your midterm paper and bring it to class.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 10. Traditional Arts and Modern Manga(伝統芸術とマンガ)
事前学習/Preparation Gather information on what is called 'pop-culture' in Japan.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 11. Science and technology: (1) Industry(科学技術:(1)工業)
事前学習/Preparation Gather information on Japanese architecture and tools.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 12. Science and technology: (2) Robotics(科学技術:(2)ロボット)
事前学習/Preparation Gather information on robotics in various countries.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 13. Beliefs and Religions (信条と宗教)
事前学習/Preparation Bring your knowledge on Japanese religions.
事後学習/Reviewing Start preparing for your final paper.
授業計画/Class Week 14. Social Manners (社会的礼儀作法)
事前学習/Preparation Check the meanings of omoiyari, omotenashi and mottainai.
事後学習/Reviewing Discuss the topics given in class with your friends.
授業計画/Class Week 15. Review (まとめ)
事前学習/Preparation Bring your final paper to class.
事後学習/Reviewing Enjoy your vacation.
授業方法/Method of instruction
Though the details on the course contents will also be given in the first class meeting, you will learn some interesting facts about Japanese language, people, culture, history, society, science and technology by following the topics given below. Although lectures are mainly conducted in English, some audio-visual and reading materials may contain Japanese language.
1 100% Evaluation:
Evaluation of a student will be made based on his/her two papers (midterm and final, for 40% each) written in either English or Japanese (details on these papers will be given in lectures) and contributions in class activities (for 20%).
1 Textbooks:
Most reading materials will be given in handouts and information on additional readings will also be given in class.