
年度/Academic Year 2021
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) コミュニケーション演習Ⅰ(2)(英語講義)/コミュニケーション演習(2)(英語講義)
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Seminar in Communication Ⅰ (2)(in English)/Seminar in Communication (2)(in English)
学期/Semester 後期 単位/Credits 2/4
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) DIAS,Joseph V.
英文氏名/Instructor (English) DIAS, Joseph V.

講義概要/Course description
Intercultural Communication
We carry beliefs and patterns of behavior that consciously and unconsciously influence how we will react when faced with the “other.” This course is meant to help students become more “other-aware” through studying about various dimensions of culture and intercultural issues, and more “self-aware” by experientially uncovering their own deeply held beliefs. Self-awareness will be encouraged by carrying out simulations of intercultural encounters, performing problem-solving exercises, and by using a variety of assessment tools developed by Intercultural Communication specialists. Guest speakers will be invited to speak to us on issues ranging from cultural adjustment and mental health to how to cope in multicultural business settings.
達成目標/Course objectives
 To learn…
 … what factors make up cultural and ethnic identity.
 … the meaning of culture shock.
 … verbal and nonverbal communication across and between cultures.
 … how we come to hold prejudices against outgroups
 … the best ways to deal with intercultural conflict.
 … challenges in intercultural intimate relationships.
 … cultural issues in the workplace.
It is necessary to write an essay expressing your reason(s) for wanting to enroll in this seminar.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Introduction to Intercultural Communication & Getting to know each other.
事前学習/Preparation Join class LMS and investigate how it works; possibly add profile photo.
事後学習/Reviewing Post introduction of classmate to class LMS based on structured interview conducted in first class.
授業計画/Class Essential Cultural Value Patterns -- Individualism-Collectivism & Small-Large Power Distance
事前学習/Preparation Read unit in Understanding Intercultural Communication about reasons for studying Intercultural Communication (Chapter 1)
事後学習/Reviewing Write personal reasons for wanting to study intercultural communication in class LMS and how they relate to the ones written in Chapter 1 of Understanding Intercultural Communication. 
授業計画/Class Cultural dimensions of health & illness
事前学習/Preparation Read assigned chapter from book on Transcultural Health Care (on Amish, Arabs, Filipinos, Iranians, Navajos, Jewish people, and Italians) to prepare for presentations in the next class.
事後学習/Reviewing Write in LMS on personal experiences with health and illness that related to themes from the presentations--especially intercultural experiences or medical care experienced in other countries.
授業計画/Class Understanding Cultural and Ethnic Identities / Managing Culture Shock
事前学習/Preparation Read assigned sections from the book Japan's Minorities: The illusion of homogeneity on Ainu, "mixed blood," Okinawan, Nikei Brazilian, Burakumin, and Zainichi Korean
事後学習/Reviewing Reflections in class LMS on in-class presentations.
授業計画/Class Culture and education
事前学習/Preparation Readings on culture and education.
事後学習/Reviewing Write reflections on educational experiences we've had in other countries in LMS--contrast them to experiences in Japan.
授業計画/Class Culture and technology/ e-culture
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 10 from Understanding Intercultural Communication -- The Internet and Identity.
事後学習/Reviewing Write reflections on our own uses of social networking and self-disclosure habits on the class LMS.
授業計画/Class Ways to communicate nonverbally across cultures
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 7 of Understanding Intercultural Communication on the topic of "Different ways to communicate nonverbally across cultures.
事後学習/Reviewing Do an analysis of our own nonverbal communication practices by videotaping interactions and viewing them at a reduced speed.
授業計画/Class Culture and the work of NGOs
事前学習/Preparation Investigate the podcasts and YouTube videos created by NGOs to promote their activities and summarize them in class LMS.
事後学習/Reviewing Assignment on 1000 PeaceWomen--women who have created NGOs to address various social problems.
授業計画/Class Culture and intimate relationships
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 10 in Understanding Intercultural Communication "Challenges in Developing Intercultural Intimate Relationships"
事後学習/Reviewing Do SELF-ASSESSMENT: Attitudes toward Interracial Dating Scale. Also, watch the video "UMKC Students in Intercultural Relationships" and answer discussion questions about it in the LMS.
授業計画/Class Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 8 in Understanding Intercultural Communication "What causes us to hold biases against outgroups"
事後学習/Reviewing Reflections in LMS on personal experiences with experiencing or witnessing prejudice or racism.
授業計画/Class Culture and food
事前学習/Preparation Preparing for presentations on eating practices of various cultures (Readings will be provided by teacher).
事後学習/Reviewing Entry in LMS on culture shock experiences related to eating during travels or while living abroad.
授業計画/Class Culture and gender
事前学習/Preparation Prepare gender awareness activities from "Gender Awareness and Development Manual - UNDP"
事後学習/Reviewing Reflections in LMS on gender & education and employment-related issues.
授業計画/Class Best Ways to Manage Intercultural Conflicts
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 9 in Understanding Intercultural Communication "How we can manage intercultural conflict flexibly"
事後学習/Reviewing Reflections posted in LMS on conflicts related to culture in the world today and summaries of newspaper articles referring to them.
授業計画/Class Culture and mental health
事前学習/Preparation Prepare for visit by Vickie Skorji of the Tokyo English Life Line by exploring TELL's Website and Wiki. Also, do the "Anxiety and depression checklist": https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety-and-depression-checklist-k10
事後学習/Reviewing Prepare for final round of Intercultural Simulations
授業計画/Class Presentations, Course evaluation and Debriefing
事前学習/Preparation Development of original intercultural simulations with assigned group on topic designated by teacher
事後学習/Reviewing Reflections on the seminar through online course evaluation
授業方法/Method of instruction
There will be ample opportunities for students to apply what they are learning to their own lives, learn about each other, and exercise their creativity through the creation of intercultural simulations and sensitizers.

The plan is for this seminar to be taught face-to-face...not online. However, an LMS (online learner management system) will be used for the course. The first lesson of the semester will be on-demand.

1 100%  quizzes on the readings/ homework -- 20%
 creation of intercultural simulation game -- 20%
 participation in online discussions -- 40%
 service learning placements & reflection essay -- 20%
参考書/Reference books
1 Ting-Toomey, S., Chung, L.C. Understanding Intercultural Communication. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Co., 2005.
Unlike most of the other seminars, students MAY NOT retake this course. Those wishing to know more about Intercultural Communication are encouraged to take the seminar of Prof. Gregory Strong.
Regular attendance will be absolutely essential for this seminar. There will be three or four guest speakers and, at least, one field trip to a company in Tokyo that has an international workforce.
culture         intercultural     experiential learning     simulation     values