
年度/Academic Year 2021
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) アメリカ政治論(英語講義)/アメリカ政治論Ⅱ(英語講義)
英文科目名/Course Title (English) American Politics(in English)/American Politics Ⅱ(in English)
学期/Semester 後期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 中山 俊宏
英文氏名/Instructor (English) NAKAYAMA Toshihiro

講義概要/Course description
This is a course on U.S. foreign policy with a specific focus on domestic factors/influence which shapes and influences U.S. foreign policy making process. Despite the popular argument of U.S. retreat and decline, U.S. still remains the world's preeminent power. However, it is difficult to deny that U.S. is increasingly becoming an “exhausted power.” The American public has become inward-looking as a result of a decade of excess intervention in the 2000s. The polarization of politics is having a negative effect on U.S. presence on the world stage. Budgetary constraint is limiting the overseas deployment of U.S. forces. The course will try to factor in the domestic constraints in foreign policy making as well as highlight the dynamics of interest group politics that shapes the foreign policy environment in the U.S.
達成目標/Course objectives
Lecture, textbook, and exams are all in English. Students are required to acquire basic facts and historical knowledge about U.S. foreign policy by reading such text as, Joyce P. Kaufman, A Concise History of U.S. Foreign Policy 3rd ed. (Lanham: Roman & Littlefield, 2017).
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Introduction: Course Description [Online(on-demand)]
事前学習/Preparation Read Preface of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Preface of the textbook.
授業計画/Class The US in a turbulent World
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 1 of the text book: Where is America's place in the world today?
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 1 of the text book: Where is America's place in the world today?
授業計画/Class Expansion of US Power
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 2 of the text book: Historical overview of U.S. foreign policy.
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 2 of the text book: Historical overview of U.S. foreign policy.
授業計画/Class Dynamics of Decision Making
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 3 of the text book: The inner workings of U.S. foreign policy process.
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 3 of the text book: The inner workings of U.S. foreign policy process.
授業計画/Class Presidential Power
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 4 of the text book: Strongest man on earth? Not quite.
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 4 of the text book: Strongest man on earth? Not quite.
授業計画/Class Congress Beyond the "Water's Edge"
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 5 of the text book: What if there were 535 presidents?
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 5 of the text book: What if there were 535 presidents?
授業計画/Class The Foreign Policy Bureaucracy
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 6 of the text book: Let's look inside the Foggy Bottom, Pentagon, and NSC.
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 6 of the text book: Let's look inside the Foggy Bottom, Pentagon, and NSC.
授業計画/Class The Public Opinion at Home and Abroad
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 7 of the text book: Diplomacy in an open democracy.
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 7 of the text book: Diplomacy in an open democracy.
授業計画/Class The Impact of Mass Communication
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 8 of the text book: Changing technology and its impact on foreign policy.
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 8 of the text book: Changing technology and its impact on foreign policy.
授業計画/Class Social Movements and Interests Groups
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 9 of the text book: Interest group politics and foreign policy.
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 9 of the text book: Interest group politics and foreign policy.
授業計画/Class Issue Areas 1
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 10 of the text book: National Security and Defense Policy
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 10 of the text book: National Security and Defense Policy
授業計画/Class Issue Areas 2
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 11 of the text book: Economic Statecraft
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 11 of the text book: Economic Statecraft
授業計画/Class Issue Areas 3
事前学習/Preparation Read Chapter 12 of the text book: Transnational Policy Problems.
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Chapter 12 of the text book: Transnational Policy Problems.
授業計画/Class Evaluating Obama's Foreign Policy: American Foreign Policy in a Post-American World
事前学習/Preparation Read Fareed Zakaria's Post-American World
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Fareed Zakaria's Post-American World
授業計画/Class American Foreign Policy in a Trumpian World (and what about Bidenian world?)
事前学習/Preparation Read Hal Brands, American Grand Strategy in the Age of Trump
事後学習/Reviewing Reread Hal Brands, American Grand Strategy in the Age of Trump
授業方法/Method of instruction
The course will be conductedFace-to-face (hybrid format: blended type).
If there is to to be an online class depending onthe situation, it will be announced at an appropriate timing during the classand also via Course Power.
1 レポート Report 50%
2 平常点 In-class Points 50%
Published year
1 Steven W. Hook U.S. Foreign Policy Paradox of World Power (6th ed.) CQ Press 2020 9781506396910 Kindle version recommended.
参考書/Reference books
Published year
1 中山俊宏 介入するアメリカ 勁草書房 2013年
アメリカ     国際政治     安全保障