
年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 文学史A[英語講義]
英文科目名/Course Title (English) History of Literature A[in English]
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 孫 世偉
英文氏名/Instructor (English) SON, Shih-wei

講義概要/Course description
This is a survey course of the history of Japanese literature, focusing mostly on Nara, Heian, and Medieval Periods. Students will be assigned to read chapters each week on a variety of topics from The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature. The chapters are written by multiple authors who are experts of each of the given periods. The one-year long class is designed to introduce the development of pre-modern Japanese literature and the historical context that nourished Japanese cultural traditions. 

Due to the of Covid-19 pandemic, the college has switched the majority of class meetings since the first semester of 2020 academic year. At this stage of class planning, the instruction is supposed to be a traditional face-to-face class meeting; However, it is subject to change if the pandemic keeps expanding in April. In that case, the class is going to be taught on-line via Aogaku's “Course Power” and “Webex” meeting system. The class will be carried on with real-time on-line meetings and homework submissions as followed:

1. PLEASE FINISH YOUR READING ASSIGNMENT based on the syllabus before every class meeting. Please prepare a hard copy or an electronic version of the assigned textbook. Due to the copy right issues, unfortunately I am not allowed to upload the PDF files of the textbook.
2. LIVE CLASS MEETINGS ON WEBEX or FACE-TO-FACE CLASS MEETINGS: We will be meeting online or in traditional classroom meetings if the situation is allowed. The lecture will be held based on the contents of the reading assignment. We will spare some time for discussion if time is allowed. The meeting is going to be held at the following address, with no password required:

3. SUBMIT A SHORT ESSAY: After the class, please submit a short passage no longer than a double-spaced one page (200 words approximately) on any issue that you care from the reading assignment or the contents of the class. I will NOT give you a “prompt” on what to write. It can be a question, an opinion or a comment on the readings. Please post it on the coursework website; The submissions will be considered as part of your grade on participation and attendance.

4. FINAL PAPER: Please write a 10-15 double-spaced pages of final paper for this class. We will talk about how to do this in the final week of the instruction. 

I understand how stressful it can be in this no-end-in sight situation. Stay safe and keep it up!
達成目標/Course objectives
1. To familiarize oneself with and the history of Japanese literature and important texts.

2. To understand the historical context and backgrounds behind Japanese literary traditions.

3. To acquire the skill of close reading and textual analysis.
Japanese proficiency (including Kanji Chinese-character literacy) as well as skills to read pre-modern texts are not required but highly recommended.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Introduction: General Introduction by Haruo Shirane, Online meeting (On-demand video)
授業計画/Class The ancient period: 1 Introduction: writing, literacy, and the origins of Japanese Literature
授業計画/Class The ancient period: 2 Myth and History in the Kojiki, Nihon shoki, and related works
授業計画/Class The ancient period: 3 Songs of the Records and Chronicles
授業計画/Class The ancient period: 4 Fudoki gazetteers
授業計画/Class The ancient period: 5 Man’yōshū 
授業計画/Class The ancient period: 6 Anthologies and Sino-Japanese literature: Kaifūsō and the three imperial anthologies 
授業計画/Class The Heian period: 7 Introduction: court culture, women, and the rise of vernacular literature
授業計画/Class The Heian period: 8 Sugawara no Michizane, a Heian literatus and statesman
授業計画/Class The Heian period: 9 Kokinshū and Heian court poetry
授業計画/Class The Heian period: 10 Early Heian court tales
授業計画/Class The Heian period: 11 Genji monogatari and its reception
授業計画/Class The Heian period: 12 Late courtly romance
授業計画/Class The Heian Period: 13 Premodern commentary on the classical literary canon
授業計画/Class The Heian period: 14 The Pillow Book of Sei Shōnagon
事前学習/Preparation Please finish the reading assignment.
事後学習/Reviewing Review the contents of the lectures.
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notes

活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 レポート Report 60%
2 平常点 In-class Points 40% Attendance and participation
Published year
1 Haruo Shirane, alt. The Cambridge History of Japanese Literature Cambridge University Press 2015 1107029031 ¥4795
参考書/Reference books
Published year
1 Haruo Shirane Traditional Japanese Literature: An Anthology, Beginnings to 1600, Abridged Edition Columbia University Press 2012 0231157304 ¥3784
The chapters help us to grasp a general idea of the history of Japanese history of literature. The genres may vary, and the historical context in behind the literary traditions keeps changing in different time periods. When people talk about tradition, what do they really mean by this concept? A flexible approach and an open-minded attitude from a variety of points of views are required for one who wishes to further fathom the depth of the literary works.
Pre-modern Japanese literature     Nara period literature     Heian period literature