講義内容詳細:IE Seminar A[英語講義]

年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) IE Seminar A[英語講義]
英文科目名/Course Title (English) IE Seminar A[in English]
学期/Semester 後期 単位/Credits 4
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) ARMSTRONG,William H.
英文氏名/Instructor (English) ARMSTRONG Ⅳ, William Hamilton

講義概要/Course description
“Shifty Characters”: A Survey of Shape-Shifters and Were-Creatures in Classic Literature and Film
達成目標/Course objectives
In folklore, mythology and fiction, shapeshifting is the act of metamorphosing from one physical form into another. Therianthropy, the transformation of a human into animal form and vice-versa (there are also legends that include transformation into plants and objects), can be accomplished in several ways : magical spells, magic powers of a talisman, divine intervention (whether for good or bad intention), or as a metaphoric nature. It is this metaphoric understanding that we examine in works of classic literature. Some film depictions of classic work are discussed as well.
No prerequisite course needed.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Our first class will be held online (on demand).
What are the types of shifters? Picture activity. What is the metaphor of “the beast within”? 
Reading List discussed and accessed.
授業計画/Class Origin of the word "therianthrope.” Who was writing about them and when did stories first appear? 
授業計画/Class Ovid. Begin Metamorphoses
授業計画/Class More Ovid. Slavic Leshy woodland transformations and Norse Berserkers.
授業計画/Class Selkie (Scot-Irish), Púca (Celtic),  Fey folk from the sea. Read The Selkie Bride.
授業計画/Class More sea shifters: Encantado -were-dolphins of Brazil. Draw legends and discussion on multimedia presentation.
授業計画/Class Discussion and reactions. Kitsune (Japanese) Tricksters in Japanese folklore. What does the “fox maiden” represent in old culture?
授業計画/Class Midterm presentations. The Wendigo of Algonquin Native American folklore. Algernon Blackwood famous short story.
授業計画/Class The foremost Asian vampire creature- Aswang (Philippines) Japanese scholar (Azuma) research and panel discussion on Pilipino shifters.
授業計画/Class Vampire transformations around the world.
授業計画/Class Lycanthrope (werewolf-Central Europe and North America).
授業計画/Class Discussion and reactions. More Skin Trade. Discussion and in-class reaction paper.
授業計画/Class Other representations and incarnations. Introduce Dumas The Wolf Leader.
授業計画/Class Presentation workshop on The Wolf Leader.
授業計画/Class Student presentations: <font color="#454545">The Wolf Leader</font>workshop groups. What shifters from this term were represented in this classic novella? 
事前学習/Preparation Please read assigned materials.
事後学習/Reviewing Please read over class notes. Highlight new criteria and terms for use in essays/discussions later.
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method ハイブリッド型ハイフレックス形式 / hybrid high flex
補足事項/Supplementary notesWe will study literary folktales and short stories examining such shapeshifters as the Leshy Slavic), Selkie (Scot-Irish), Berserker (Norse), Kitsune (Japanese), P&#250;ca (Celtic), Wendigo (Algonquin Native American), Encantado (Brazilian), Aswang (Pilipino), Vampire (worldwide), and Lycanthrope (werewolf-Central Europe and North America). 
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 100% Reaction Papers/quiz 25%

Classwork projects/Participation 25%

Book Reports  25%

Final Presentations 25%
1 Digital downloads in Public Domain
This class is for Readers (in English and Japanese) who have a strong interest in Gothic/fantasy fiction and folkloric metaphor and representation.  

This course will be held in assigned classroom. If COVID becomes worse again, it will be held remotely using ZOOM. ZOOM session numbers may be found on class CoursePower page.
Regular and timely attendance, weekly participation, and preparation are absolutely critical to success in this class. Please communicate closely with instructor about any absence or lateness issues.

Please only contact teacher in class or by email: drgnitzao@gmail.com
Gothic literature, folklore, Ovid, shapeshifters, Dumas