
年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 日本文化論[英語講義]
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Japanese Studies[in English]
学期/Semester 後期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) GROFF,David K.
英文氏名/Instructor (English) GROFF, David Kimball

講義概要/Course description
This course will aim to answer the following questions: What is 'traditional Japanese culture'? What influences make it the way it is? Why is it valuable for us today? We will discuss a variety of aspects of traditional Japanese culture, with a special emphasis on their philosophical / religious / spiritual bases, before turning more specifically to the profound influence of Zen Buddhism on the traditional culture of Japan. Each week we will cover a different aspect of the traditional culture, with a considerable amount of time given to pair and group discussion of the ideas and information in the readings, presentations, and other media. 
達成目標/Course objectives
To provide the students with an introduction to some of the underlying concepts and characteristics of traditional Japanese culture, 
to helpstudents understand how traditional Japanese culture continues to influence Japan today, and
to encourage students to discover how elements of the traditional culture might be preserved or revived and applied to the advantage of both the individual and contemporary society as a whole.  
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Course introduction and explanation (on-demand).
事前学習/Preparation Preview the syllabus.        
事後学習/Reviewing Review the syllabus and purchase the textbooks for the course. 
授業計画/Class Opening discussion: What do we mean by “traditional Japanese culture”? We will dissect specifically what each of these terms will mean for purposes of this course, and preview the structure and goals of the class. 
事前学習/Preparation The syllabus should be read before the first class meeting, and the main texts for the course should be purchased.  
事後学習/Reviewing Go over the syllabus and review the topics. Start thinking about what you might like to do your research paper on.  
授業計画/Class Shinto: This session will consist of an introduction to some general religious / spiritual concepts that underlie much of traditional Japanese culture, particularly those related to Shinto beliefs, and discussion of key concepts.  
事前学習/Preparation Read the sections in Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul, Chapter 4: “Religious Concepts” on nature in Japanese religion, prayer, heaven, kami, tama, misogi, harae, and kegare, and Chapter 5: "Folk Religion" on worship of mountains, ikigami, miko, onmyōdō, yama no kami, ta no kami, toshigami, kōjin, ubusunagami, ujigami, chinju no kami, Shintō family altars, bimbōgami, suijin, and naorai, and consider answers for the discussion questions prior to the class.  
事後学習/Reviewing Review the reading and your notes to consolidate your understanding of the main religious concepts discussed in class.  
授業計画/Class Buddhism: In this session we will begin to go more deeply into the tremendous influence of Buddhism in general on traditional Japanese culture, starting with a very brief history of Buddhism from its roots in India to its various expressions in historical Japan. 
事前学習/Preparation Read the sections in Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul, Chapter 4 "Religious Concepts" on prayer, heaven, hell, emptiness, nothingness, satori, nehan, engi, inga, rinne, tariki, sokushin jōbutsu, and nembutsu, and consider answers to the discussion questions. 
事後学習/Reviewing Review the reading and your notes to consolidate your understanding of the position of Buddhism in Japanese culture. 
授業計画/Class Zen: In this class we will go more deeply into the principles of Zen Buddhism specifically, as we will investigate its influence in various elements of traditional Japanese culture throughout the course. 
事前学習/Preparation Read Zen and Japanese Culture, Chapter 1: "Preliminary to the Understanding of Zen", and consider answers to the discussion questions. (Fair warning: we are headed into some pretty deep waters here. Give yourself plenty of time to read and digest Suzuki's explanations, and don't worry too much if you don't think you understand it all. We will do plenty of discussion of the ideas in class to make sure everyone gets the main ideas.) 
事後学習/Reviewing Review the reading and your notes to consolidate your understanding of Zen Buddhism. 
授業計画/Class Confucianism: In this final session on the major spiritual/philosophical underpinnings of traditional Japanese culture, we will consider the powerful influence of the teachings of Confucius (Kǒng Fūzǐ" 孔夫子) and followers of Confucianism on Japanese culture. 
事前学習/Preparation Prior to the class, read Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul, Chapter 3: “Social Concepts” on vertical society, iegiri and ninjō, tatemae and honne, rei, bun, oyabun-kobun, and sempai-kōhai. Also read Zen and Japanese Culture, Chapter Five: "Zen and the Study of Confucianism", and prepare answers to the discussion questions. 
事後学習/Reviewing Review the reading and your notes to consolidate your understanding of the position of Confucianism in traditional Japanese culture, and its relationship to Zen in Japan. 
授業計画/Class Continuation of religious / spiritual concepts in traditional Japanese culture with a discussion of ideas and practices in Japanese folk religions.
事前学習/Preparation Before the class, read the sections in Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul, Chapter 5: “Folk Religion”, on folk religion ancestor worship, afterlife, mourning, butsudan, goryō, goze, yamabushi, zatō, jizō, dōsojin, funadama, Seven Deities of Good Fortune, Ebisu, Daikokuten, kōshin, rituals for rain, gofu, tachimono, pilgrimages, nyonin kinzei, and horagai and consider answers to the discussion questions prior to class.  
事後学習/Reviewing Following the class, review your text and class notes, to consolidate your understanding of Japanese folk religion.  
授業計画/Class In this class we will look at some traditional Japanese folk beliefs that are less clearly connected to any of the established religious / spiritual practices discussed earlier in the course, but which nonetheless continue to have an effect on Japanese culture in many ways. 
事前学習/Preparation Read Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul, Chapter 6 "Folk Beliefs", about other beliefs less connected to particular religious traditions, and prepare answers to the reading and discussion questions. 
事後学習/Reviewing Review the readings and your notes from the first half of the semester for the mid-term exam, and finalize your research topic for the term paper and presentation.

Take the mid-term exam online.
授業計画/Class  In this session we will move on from the spiritual / religious concepts to some more broadly philosophical and theoretical ones that underlie traditional Japanese culture. 
事前学習/Preparation Before the class, read Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul, Chapter 2: “Philosophy and Thoughts”  and the sections in Chapter 3: “Social Concepts” on nonverbal communication, akirame, amae, enryo, haji, hara, kan
事後学習/Reviewing Following the class, review your text and class notes, to consolidate your understanding of the philosophical concepts in traditional Japanese culture that we covered. 
授業計画/Class In this session we will focus on concepts in traditional Japanese aesthetics: ideas related to beauty and art, relating them to how they enter into both “high art”, and also on the more mundane level of everyday life. 
事前学習/Preparation Prior to class, read Zen and Japanese Culture Chapter Two: "General Remarks on Japanese Art Culture", Keys, Chapter 1: "Aesthetics", and the Tanizaki reading, and consider answers for the discussion questions. 
事後学習/Reviewing After class, review your class notes and the readings, to consolidate your understanding of the concepts in traditional Japanese aesthetics. 
授業計画/Class In this session we will look at traditional Japanese attitudes towards and ideas about nature, specifically animals and plants, and focus particularly on Japan's indigenous varieties. 
事前学習/Preparation Read Keys, Chapters 7 and 8: "Animals in Japanese Culture" and "Plants in Japanese Culture" and consider answers to the discussion questions.
事後学習/Reviewing After class, review your notes and the reading to consolidate your understanding of the roles of certain animals and plants in traditional Japanese culture.
授業計画/Class This session will focus on the influence of Zen Buddhism on the warrior class (bushi) who governed Japan for hundreds of years, from the Kamakura Period to the end of the Edo. 
事前学習/Preparation Prior to class, read Chapters Three and Four – "Zen and the Samurai" and "Zen and Swordsmanship" – in Zen and Japanese Culture, and the excerpt from Nitobe's Bushidō, and consider answers to the discussion questions.
事後学習/Reviewing After class, review the reading and your notes to consolidate your understanding of the influence of Zen on the samurai class, and the nature of their influence on traditional Japanese society and culture. 
授業計画/Class Today will be a somewhat more in-depth look at one of the most famously characteristic examples of traditional Japanese culture: the tea ceremony.
事前学習/Preparation Before class, have watched the NHK Begin Japanology program on the tea ceremony, read Zen and Japanese Culture, Chapter Six: "Zen and the Tea-cult", and consider answers to the discussion questions. 
事後学習/Reviewing After class, review the reading and your notes to consolidate your understanding of the influence of Zen on the culture of tea, and its place in traditional Japanese culture. 
授業計画/Class Second-half Exam:  this exam will test your knowledge and understanding of the material from the second half of the course. 
事前学習/Preparation Review all materials from the second 7 class sessions for the exam. 
事後学習/Reviewing Review all course materials and prepare to present the results of your research to a group of your classmates. 
授業計画/Class In this final session of the class, students will present their individual research to a group of their peers, answer questions from the group, and submit their research papers. 
事前学習/Preparation Prepare presentation notes and visual aids for presenting your research findings to a small group of other students, and practice your presentation. You should not be reading from your research paper when you give your presentation to your group, but rather speaking to them in as natural a way as possible. 
事後学習/Reviewing Review your notes and readings from the second half of the course for the final exam. 
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notesThrough lectures and presentations, readings and other media, pair and group discussion, and individual research, students will investigate the fundamental concepts and characteristics of traditional Japanese culture. A special emphasis will be placed on the relevance of the traditions in today's society and their potential value in the students' own lives. 
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 平常点 In-class Points 25% Active class participation in discussion of reading questions and other activities.

2 レポート Report 30% Research paper
3 試験 Exam 25% Mid-term and final exams
4 その他 Others 20% Reading and preparation of reading/discussion questions; occasional quizzes.
Published year
1 Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul 英語で話す「日本の心」(対訳) 講談社インターナショナル 1996.10 4770020821 \1200
2 Suzuki, Daisetz T. 鈴木大拙著 ; 北川桃雄訳 Zen and Japanese Culture 禅と日本文化 (対訳) 講談社インターナショナル 2005.12 4770040261 1800円+税
参考書/Reference books
Published year
1 Groff, D. K. The Five Rings: Miyamoto Musashi's Art of Strategy. Watkins Press 2012 9781780281209 (Optional: since Musashi is one of my main research interests I will very likely make references to this text in the class, so it may be of interest to you, but it is not required, and the material will not appear on any tests.)
I strongly encourage you to preview / skim / read ahead in the readings for the course to find topics which are of particular interest to you, and which you might want to pursue further in your research paper.

In addition to keeping up with the readings and other homework, regular attendance and active class participation will be essential for successful completion of this class. 

The CoursePower system will be used extensively for distribution and collection of materials as well as other information about the class. Be sure you can access it and check it regularly. 
The textbooks for this class are bilingual in English and Japanese: this is for the benefit of English
speakers who would also like to work on their Japanese reading ability, and as support for Japanese speakers who may want a little help understanding the readings in English. However, as noted in the course title, this class will be held in English. It will be essential for you to do the preparatory readings before in class, and to read them in English. 

The exact schedule of the course is subject to changes during the term, in order to accommodate the inclusion or extended discussion of topics of particular interest and value to the students.

traditional Japanese culture         Zen     aesthetics     bushidō