講義内容詳細:Writing Ⅱ

年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) Writing Ⅱ
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Writing Ⅱ
学期/Semester 後期 単位/Credits 1
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) TRAUB, Toby G.
英文氏名/Instructor (English) TRAUB, Toby Gene

講義概要/Course description
This course is intended to help students develop their writing skills in English by offering them opportunities to participate in the following activities:

Writing summaries, commentaries, essays, and a presentation script.

When learning any one of the four language skills, writing, reading, speaking, and listening, we will use each skill to support the other. Therefore, in this course, we will focus on building writing skills, but we will also need to do research, and read articles that stimulate our thinking, and give us knowledge about the topic that we are going to write about. 
Additionally, a good part of our class time will be spent discussing the topic that we wrote about  These discussions will not only give us another opportunity to use English vocabulary and further us on our journey toward fluent use of the language, but will also stimulate our thinking and make our writing more productive.
Additionally, our listening skills will also be improved with our discussions due to the fact that we will encounter previously learned vocabulary   Additionally, these discussions will create a more open, friendly, cohesive, and supportive class environment.

We will write at least 2 five paragraph essays, in the Fall.
達成目標/Course objectives
The purpose of this course is to help students improve their writing ability to write sentences, paragraphs, and short essays in English.
Writing 1.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Course introduction  Getting to know each other; student introductions  class guidelines. Review rules and procedures. Topical discussion activity. Writing about, and telling about our Summer break.
授業計画/Class Ramen! What is the best way to eat it? What is your favorite kind? Best shop? 
授業計画/Class Smart dogs, and amazing animals from around the world!
授業計画/Class Interesting places to see in Japan.
授業計画/Class School Festivals. Elementary, Jr. and Sr. High School. AGU school festival!

授業計画/Class Holidays in Japan, and around the world.
授業計画/Class The Mobius band
授業計画/Class Sumo, Kendo, Karate and other Japanese sports.
授業計画/Class Reflections on the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
授業計画/Class The US Presidential Election
授業計画/Class Blood types, black cats, and other superstitions.
授業計画/Class Studying abroad

current events

授業計画/Class Work ethic of Japanese university students, relative to the world.
授業計画/Class Current event topic
test prep

Big Quiz Day

Watch "three stories" video

Thank you

事前学習/Preparation Completing the homework assignment is essential to prepare for the next class

Most of the time, the homework will be a reading and/or writing assignment
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review articles, and look up ANY new vocabulary covered

授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notesStudents will read news stories, and other articles, in English, on specific themes broadly related to the themes of the department.  The material may be supplemented with short lectures by the professor which explain and expand on the main themes. Students should respond to the material through discussion, and written responses to prompts given Students will be required to do one presentation during the semester
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 平常点 In-class Points 100% 30% class participation
40% homework
30% quizzes and/or presentation
1 No textbook
Always bring a dictionary to class (paper or electronic OK).

Translation software is strictly forbidden.

You may use your phone in class ONLY for a dictionary app.

Or, on a rare occasion, they could be used for purposes related to the class.

I recommend using a dedicated electronic dictionary 電子辞書

This syllabus is subject to revision, and likely will be revised based on the needs of the students, and the current trending topics at the time of the class

There will be some topics related to your major, but students should be prepared to speak, read, write, and listen to English on a variety of topics

Writing Center.  A Writing Center is located on the first floor of Building 9.  The center is open Mondays through Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  The Writing Center offers one-to-one help for students with writing assignments