
年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) アメリカ政治入門[英語講義]/米洲圏概論[英語講義]/米洲圏概論Ⅱ[英語講義]
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Introduction to American Politics[in English]/Introduction to Area Studies: The Americas[in English]/Introduction to Area Studies Ⅱ:The Americas[in English]
学期/Semester 後期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 武田 興欣
英文氏名/Instructor (English) TAKEDA Okiyoshi

講義概要/Course description
This course is modeled after an introduction to American Government course which can be found at almost any college in the United States.
達成目標/Course objectives
Students will gain basic understanding of the U.S. domestic politics (so-called ”structure and behavior”) through this course.
  No prerequisites for this course, but students are encouraged to follow news on U.S. politics regularly.
  In particular, since midterm elections (中間選挙) for the Senate (上院)and the House of Representatives (下院) will be held on November 8 this year, it will be useful for students to watch the close races (particularly in the Senate) and check the results. The instructor may review the results of the elections in class.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Introduction (Note: following the university policy, the first week will be recorded and stored in Course Power, rather than given in a lecture format in a classroom in person. The recording is accessible on demand, not at a specific time (e.g. Thursday at 4:50 p.m.). Students who take this course MUST listen to this recording).
授業計画/Class Overview of the U.S. Constitution
授業計画/Class Constitutional Convention
授業計画/Class Framers' Intent and Federalism
授業計画/Class Civil Rights and African Americans
授業計画/Class Political Parties and Elections
授業計画/Class How the President is Elected
授業計画/Class Media and Interest Groups
授業計画/Class U.S. Congress
授業計画/Class The Presidency
授業計画/Class Bureaucracy
授業計画/Class The Supreme Court
授業計画/Class Racial and Ethnic Politics (1): Overview and Latino/as
授業計画/Class Racial and Ethnic Politics (2): Asian Americans
授業計画/Class U.S. Foreign Policy
事前学習/Preparation Read the pages of the textbook for the week written in the syllabus (downloadable from "Week 1" in Course Power).
事後学習/Reviewing Review the contents of the lecture using the handout distributed in the class, together with the textbook.
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notesThis is a lecture course, but the instructor will give students a handout that summarizes the lecture of the week.  Note that students can receive the handout of the lecture they missed only when they show a doctor's note (診断書) or something equivalent (receipt of a visit(領収書) to the doctor on the day of the lecture, or one day before or after the lecture).  Job hunting, internship, and meeting and training of the company students will work for (in senior students' cases) will not be counted as legitimate reasons for missing a class.
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 レポート Report 50% (1) Reaction papers (Maximum 50 points).  You are given about 5 minutes at the end of each class to write comments, questions, and personal experiences relevant to the lecture.  If you write comments relevant to the class at least in three lines ENTIRELY IN ENGLISH, you will receive 3 points.  If you write good comments, you will receive 4 points.
 The maximum points will be 4 X 14 = 56. If your points exceed 50, they will be modified to 50 points.
 The points will be recorded starting the second week, since the course registration period (履修登録期間) will be ended by then.  And you will receive 0 point (a) for a paper written in Japanese; (b) for a paper whose comment is less than 3 lines, (c) for a paper whose content is irrelevant to the class of the day (including comments on the previous week's lecture); and (d) for a missed class unless you have the legitimate reason(s) noted above.
2 試験 Exam 50% (2) Final exam (50 points).  You are asked to write one or two long essay(s)(collection of logical thoughts) (IN ENGLISH) that require critical thinking.  Memorization of detailed knowledge is not necessary.  Like the reaction papers, the subjects of the exam start in the second week.
 The exam will be held in the week set by the academic affairs office (教務課), and administered by the same office.
 The instructor will grade your exams on the assumption that you have read the pages of the textbook cited in handouts. 
課題(試験やレポート等)に対するフィードバックの方法/Feedback methods for assignments (exams, reports, etc.)
The instructor will read interesting comments and questions from the reaction papers from the previous week at the beginning of the lecture (taking about 10 minutes) without disclosing who wrote the papers.
Published year
1 Takakazu Yamagishi and Michael Chllaghan Pisapia American Politics from American and Japanese Perspectives, 2nd ed. Daigaku Kyoiku Shuppan 2021 2,400 yen Available for purchase at Kobai-kai.
In both (1) reaction papers and (2) final exam, grammar, style, and spelling of your English do not matter much.  This is NOT an English LANGUAGE course, and whether you understand course materials is more important.  The instructor will lecture in slow English so that students can understand.

Note that there are three "Takeda (武田)" among faculty of SIPEC beginning this academic year. When you register this course, be sure not to confuse myself and other Takeda senseis.
[Zero tolerance policy on chatting and playing with smartphones] Chatting with friends in class is strictly prohibited in this course.  Students who violate this policy despite warnings of the instructor may be told to show a student ID (which is required by the university rules: see 青山学院大学学生共通細則第4条第5項) and result in the reduction of grade or failure in this course even in the middle of the course.

Playing with smartphones is also prohibited during the lecture, as it bothers the instructor. If you want to check the meaning or spelling of English words, use a portable electronic dictionary (電子辞書). Violation of this policy may also result in the reduction of grade or failure.

By registering or attending this course, you are assumed to have agreed to these policies. If you have a question about course materials, ask me during a five-minute break or after the class (using the Japanese language is fine), rather than asking your friends sitting next to you. Chatting with your friends is BOTHERING to OTHER STUDENTS who want to concentrate on listening to the lecture, and no student has the right to disturb them.

[Note to exchange students from the U.S.]: this course is given at the same level as the U.S. high school civics class or Political Science 101: Introduction to American Government for college freshmen/women.  So if you have taken such courses, this course will be a boring one, and I recommend you to take courses you can enroll in only in Japan.
American politics         behavior     structure     racial and ethnic minorities