講義内容詳細:Media Literacy

年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) Media Literacy
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Media Literacy
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 1
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) KASMER,Walter B.
英文氏名/Instructor (English) KASMER, Walter B.

講義概要/Course description
オンライン授業ーオンデマンド型 in Japanese or "Online classes–on demand type
Classes following will be taught face-to-face.

This course is intended to help students develop their English communication skills by offering them opportunities to participate in the following activities: 
 Listening skills:  Listening to authentic English from the radio, television, film, documentaries, etc. 
 Speaking skills:  Discussing, debating, and otherwise responding orally to the material presented in class.
 Reading skills:  Reading articles from newspapers, magazines, and other print sources. 
 Writing skills:  Note-taking; writing summaries and responses to material introduced in class. 
 Auxiliary skills:  Acquiring basic media literacy skills (e.g., detecting biases, stereotypes, misinformation, etc.) as they apply to the broadcast and print media; acquiring the ability to access news and current events in English.
達成目標/Course objectives
The purpose of this course is to help students access the broadcast and print media in English, with a broad focus on themes related to the students' majors, including news and current events.  By the end of the class students should be able to basically understand and respond to authentic English as it appears in the broadcast and print media.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class オンライン授業ーオンデマンド型 in Japanese or "Online classes–on demand type
Classes following will be taught face-to-face.

Course introduction; introduction to media literacy
事前学習/Preparation Consult the description for this course on the Aoyama Portal
事後学習/Reviewing Review the introductory material for this course given by the professor
授業計画/Class Newspaper, magazine, or other print materials presented by the professor
事前学習/Preparation Read the materials assigned by the professor
事後学習/Reviewing Review the materials presented by the professor
授業計画/Class Student presentations of newspaper, magazine, or other print materials
事前学習/Preparation Find and read materials for the student presentations; prepare an outline
事後学習/Reviewing Take notes; write summaries and responses to the student presentations
授業計画/Class Student presentations of newspaper, magazine, or other print materials
事前学習/Preparation Find and read materials for the student presentations; prepare an outline
事後学習/Reviewing Take notes; write summaries and responses to the student presentations
授業計画/Class Student presentations of newspaper, magazine, or other print materials
事前学習/Preparation Find and read materials for the student presentations; prepare an outline
事後学習/Reviewing Take notes; write summaries and responses to the student presentations
授業計画/Class Student presentations of newspaper, magazine, or other print materials
事前学習/Preparation Find and read materials for the student presentations; prepare an outline
事後学習/Reviewing Take notes; write summaries and responses to the student presentations
授業計画/Class Television, radio, or other audio-visual materials presented by the professor
事前学習/Preparation View or listen to the materials assigned by the professor
事後学習/Reviewing Review the materials presented by the professor
授業計画/Class Student presentations of television, radio, or other audio-visual materials
事前学習/Preparation Find and view or listen to materials for the student presentations; prepare an outline
事後学習/Reviewing Take notes; write summaries and responses to the student presentations
授業計画/Class Student presentations of newspaper, magazine, or other print materials
事前学習/Preparation Find and view or listen to materials for the student presentations; prepare an outline
事後学習/Reviewing Take notes; write summaries and responses to the student presentations
授業計画/Class Student presentations of newspaper, magazine, or other print materials
事前学習/Preparation Find and view or listen to materials for the student presentations; prepare an outline
事後学習/Reviewing Take notes; write summaries and responses to the student presentations
授業計画/Class Student presentations of newspaper, magazine, or other print materials
事前学習/Preparation Find and view or listen to materials for the student presentations; prepare an outline
事後学習/Reviewing Take notes; write summaries and responses to the student presentations
授業計画/Class Film or documentary materials
事前学習/Preparation Watch the film or documentary materials
事後学習/Reviewing Take notes; write summaries and responses to the film or documentary materials
授業計画/Class Film or documentary materials
事前学習/Preparation Watch the film or documentary materials
事後学習/Reviewing Take notes; write summaries and responses to the film or documentary materials
授業計画/Class Review
事前学習/Preparation Prepare for final class discussions, debates, and oral responses
事後学習/Reviewing Review final class discussions, debates, and oral responses
授業計画/Class Final assessment in class
事前学習/Preparation Prepare for the final assessment following guidelines presented by the professor
事後学習/Reviewing Review feedback provided by the professor
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notesClasses will be conducted face-to-face.

Note that the above lecture plan below is a model plan only.  Individual professors will determine their own lecture plans and inform students about them during class.  Professors may use a textbook for this class, provide their own materials, ask students to provide materials, and / or use materials from the AV Library.  Professors will introduce students to authentic English materials from the broadcast and print media, emphasizing popular social, cultural, and human-interest themes, including news and current events.  Students should learn to listen and read both extensively (for main ideas) and intensively (for specific details).  As the course progresses, students should begin to move beyond literal comprehension to the interpretive, critical, and creative levels.  Students should discuss the material in class, with an emphasis on critical evaluation.
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 100% Students will be evaluated continuously on the basis of their class performance.  A final assessment may be made based on materials similar to those presented in class. Students will take a presentations review quiz as well as make slides and a presentation or report on a related news story in the media. 

Class participation 20%
review quiz and report or presentation 40%
homework assignments 40%
Classes will be conducted face-to-face.

In accordance with guidelines established by the Ministry of Education, students do not receive credit simply for attending classes.  However, students' grades may be reduced for failing to attend classes.  Students may not have more than three excused or unexcused absences in one semester in order to pass the class.  Being late twice counts as one absence.
Media - print, Internet, radio, TV