
年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 異文化コミュニケーション特講Ⅰ[オンライン・英語講義]/異文化コミュニケーション特殊講義Ⅰ[オンライン・英語講義]
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Selected Topics in Intercultural Communication Ⅰ[in English・Online]
学期/Semester 夏休集中 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 渡邊 千秋
英文氏名/Instructor (English) WATANABE Chiaki

講義概要/Course description
CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN CULTURAL STUDIES: This course aims at giving a broad and interdisciplinary perspective on some of the very diverse cultural and historical roots of European identity. What binds Europe together? What are the core elements and key events of contemporary European culture? How are these defined, and by whom? By using fruitful (and provocative) perspectives (gender, space, emotions, material culture, spirituality) and a variety of supports (songs, short movies, newspapers, websites) students will explore the ways in which European societies have imagined and articulated their changing identities. The course is designed to appeal to students who have a wide-ranging interest in European culture, in transnational history, and in cultural studies. Class work will help students appreciate and debate Europe’s cultural and political complexity. It will also encourage them to stablish a self-reflection regarding their own culture (and its history) in relation to other cultures. 
達成目標/Course objectives
a)to offer students the opportunity to improve their knowledge of Europe in the light of the broad spectrum of cultures;
b)to reflect on the different perspectives on several issues arising from this cultural diversity;
c)Encourage students to explore significant debates in Cultural History; 
d)Support students to constructively reflect on the past and how cultural identities are constructed locally, nationally and transnationally.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Introduction: who decides what is “culture”, and why should we study it? 
事前学習/Preparation reading short article “Political models to make Europe” https://ehne.fr/en/encyclopedia/themes/political-europe
事後学習/Reviewing make a summary of the reading.
授業計画/Class The construction of Europe: a complex political entity.
事前学習/Preparation reading short article “Political models to make Europe” https://ehne.fr/en/encyclopedia/themes/political-europe
事後学習/Reviewing make a summary of the reading
授業計画/Class Culture and the Nation. 
事前学習/Preparation reading short extracts of Benedict Anderson. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso, 2006.
事後学習/Reviewing make a summary of reading.
授業計画/Class Europe: a (trans)national imagined community?
事前学習/Preparation visit the website of the House of European History Museum https://historia-europa.ep.eu/ 
事後学習/Reviewing complete short assignment about the House of European History Museum
授業計画/Class Class: Gender (I) – Fascism. 
事前学習/Preparation Half of the class will read text A. The other half will read text B.
Text A: De Grazia, Victoria. “Nationalizing Women: The Competition between Fascist and Commercial Cultural Models in Mussolini's Italy” The Sex of Things. Gender and Consumption in Historical Perspective, 337-359.
Text B: Mosse, George L. “The New Fascist Man” The Image of Man: The Creation of Modern Masculinity, Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1998. (short extracts).
事後学習/Reviewing make a summary of reading.
授業計画/Class Communism, The New Left and beyond.
事前学習/Preparation 1/3 of the class will read short text A, another 1/3 will read short text B, and the other 1/3 will read short text C.
Text A: “The Gender of Communism”https://ehne.fr/en/encyclopedia/themes/gender-and-europe/gender-and-revolution-in-europe-19th-20th-century/gender-communism 
Text B: “The gender of May 68” https://ehne.fr/en/encyclopedia/themes/gender-and-europe/gender-and-revolution-in-europe-19th-20th-century/gender-%2768 
Text C: Queers in Europe: https://ehne.fr/fr/encyclopedie/th%C3%A9matiques/genre-et-europe/le-corps-genr%C3%A9-en-europe-entre-contrainte-et-%C3%A9mancipation/le-queer-en-europe
事後学習/Reviewing make a summary of reading.
授業計画/Class Consumption and Material Cultures (I) Music and the Cold War.
事前学習/Preparation Watch video :“How To Fight A War Without Weapons”
事後学習/Reviewing complete short assignment about the video.
授業計画/Class Consumption and Material Cultures (II) Photographs. 
事前学習/Preparation reading short article: “the construction of discourse on war and European identity through images”
事後学習/Reviewing make a summary of reading.
授業計画/Class A tale of two Europes? The city and the countryside.
事前学習/Preparation reading article: https://www.bennettinstitute.cam.ac.uk/news/urban-rural-divide/ 
事後学習/Reviewing make a summary of reading.
授業計画/Class Emotional Communities - The emotions that govern Europe.
事前学習/Preparation watch the video: William Reddy: The Navigation of Feeling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_1SshDyEEA 
事後学習/Reviewing complete short assignment about the video.
授業計画/Class Religion - A Secular Europe? 
事前学習/Preparation read very short article from sociologist Grace Davie for the The Guardian newspaper:
事後学習/Reviewing write a summary of the article. 
授業計画/Class Migration – A Global Europe? (case study: Sweden).
事前学習/Preparation watch this video on immigration in Sweden in the 21st c. :
Now, read this very short text about Swedish emigration to the US in the 19th century:
事後学習/Reviewing write a short text comparing the video and the text.
授業計画/Class From European cultural heritage to European diversity and pluralism.
事前学習/Preparation Review your notes from class to prepare your final essay-project.
事後学習/Reviewing write 1st draft of the main ideas you want to include in your final essay-project.
授業計画/Class Final discussion, and in-class support with final essay-project (I).
事前学習/Preparation Do some individual research to improve your final essay-project. We will spend this class to improve your final work, you will get support and feedback from teacher and other students.
事後学習/Reviewing write a 1-minute presentation of the theme of your final essay-project.
授業計画/Class Final discussion, and in-class support with final essay-project (II).
事前学習/Preparation Review your notes from class and your personal research to improve your final essay-project. We will spend this class polishing and finishing your final work, you will get support and feedback from teacher and other students.
事後学習/Reviewing write 2nd draft of the main ideas you want to include in your final essay-project.
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class オンライン授業 / Online
実施形態/Class Method オンデマンド型・リアルタイム型のブレンド形式 / on-demand, real-time blend
補足事項/Supplementary notes

活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 平常点 In-class Points 25% Participation: Your active andthoughtful participation in class activities and discussions is required. Youwill be evaluated through: a) short in-class tasks; b) any other individualvoluntary participation to class debates/discussions.

2 その他 Others 50% (1) Class Preparation (25%): You will be expected to read, watch the videos, take notes, ask questions and give your opinion of the course readings/videos in the syllabus, and other materials assigned in class. This preparation will help you participate in class and obtain a good participation grade. You will prepare a summary of the readings (or complete short assignments about the videos), and write at least one question for debate in class.  (2) Quizzes (25%) : teacher will provide an online home-quiz. It will consist of short questions about readings, class debates and activities. They will help you process information as we advance.
3 レポート Report 25% Final essay or presentation project: The teacher will provide two essay questions. Students will choose one of them and will write a 700-word reflection. Alternatively, students can think of a question of personal interest to do research on. They can propose it to the teacher, and once the teacher has agreed, they can do a personal project that integrates class readings/discussions and personal research. The presentation of this project is open, but it is to be discussed with teacher first, the format can be an essay, a recorded presentation, a short video, a blog entry, Twitter threads (of 700 words)… other. The project can have an element of creativity but should also be strongly grounded on class contents and readings.
Published year
1 Rosemary Wakeman (ed.) Themes in modern European history since 1945 Routledge 2003. 0415219876 Syllabus readings will be provided by the teacher. Although the course will not follow a particular textbook, the teacher strongly recommends students to read the book
参考書/Reference books
Published year
1 D Leonard, R Taylor The Routledge Guide to European Union Routledge 2016
2 Gordon Kerr A Short History of Europe: From Charlemagne to the Treaty of Europe Old Castle 2009
Digital Encyclopedia of European History: https://ehne.fr/en (in English and French)
-Europeana History: https://www.europeana.eu/fr (articles in English, French, Spanish… etc this website can also provide great ideas for final projects).
- Historiana Euroclio: https://historiana.eu/historical-content 
-Journal of Contemporary European History (some articles are accessed through open access, great ideas for personal projects): https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/contemporary-european-history  

Students will be assessed in their capacity to:
recall, select and organize information relevant to the syllabus;
understand, analyze and establish links pertaining to the information relating to European issues studied in class, and their own knowledge and culture.

A Word About Plagiarism: You must document all of your source material. You cannot just copy and paste information from the Internet. This will be considered plagiarism. You can: a) rewrite ideas in your own words and b) cite the ideas from others correctly. If you want to c) cite somebody else’s words, you must make it clear the text is being quoted (by using quotation marks “”) and where the text comes from (by citing author, publication, website… etc.). If you have any questions about what does or does not constitute plagiarism, do ask the teacher I am here to help!
Dr. Natalia Nunez Bargueno is a Spanish researcher with aninternational career.  
She obtained her first Ph.D. in Spanish Literature and CulturalStudies from the State University 
of New York (2007) and hersecond double Ph.D. in History and Religious Studies from the Sorbonne andAlcala.  She has taught culture and history classes at the State University of New York (2001-2006), the Sorbonne(2008-2013), and currently she teaches at SciencesPo.
Cultural Studies