
年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 演習ⅠB
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Seminar ⅠB
学期/Semester 後期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 亀井ダイチ アンドリュー
英文氏名/Instructor (English) KAMEI-DYCHE, Andrew Terence

講義概要/Course description
This seminar aims to analyze major issues in Japanese and global history from a range of perspectives. Students will be able to read and discuss a variety of important works of scholarship in English from around the world, study historical sites and projects, and develop an informed understanding of how our perspectives of the past have developed.

Third years will focus on studying issues in Japanese history, considering how we can learn about the past, and historical texts and contexts. Fourth years will focus more on issues in global and comparative history. However, students will also be encouraged to pursue historical topics of interest to them, whether related to Japanese, Asian or world history. This seminar will be particularly helpful for students interested in comparing different societies and gaining a better understanding of those societies through history.
達成目標/Course objectives
Students will learn how about the sources and methodologies used in historical scholarship. The seminar can provide a foundation for students to develop their own historical perspectives, and reach a better understanding of the world through gaining historical insight.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Introduction
授業計画/Class Research Questions
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (I)
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (II)
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (III)
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (IV)
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (V)
授業計画/Class Reporting on Research Progress
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (VI)
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (VII)
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (VIII)
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (IX)
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (X)
授業計画/Class Engaging with Scholarship / Conducting Research (XI)
授業計画/Class Research Presentations
事前学習/Preparation Complete any readings, conduct research.
事後学習/Reviewing Review notes, consult instructor as needed.
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notesStudents are expected to attend regularly, do all the assigned readings, and participate in seminar activities. They should come to each session prepared to discuss what they have read, with any questions, comments or criticisms they may have. There is no prerequisite knowledge, but it is desirable for students to be enthusiastic and willing to contribute their ideas in an environment of mutual respect.
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 その他 Others 60% Written Work, Presentations etc.
2 平常点 In-class Points 40% Class Participation
課題(試験やレポート等)に対するフィードバックの方法/Feedback methods for assignments (exams, reports, etc.)
Consult the instructor.
1 Consult the instructor.
参考書/Reference books
1 Consult the instructor for recommendations.
The only enrollment requirement is student motivation and interest. In principle the method of instruction is in person, but elements of distance learning may be incorporated depending on the situation. There is no set explanation session; interested students should contact the instructor.
Attendance and active engagement in classes are essential. Students must attend at least 75% of all classes to be eligible for course credit. Students up to 15 minutes late for classes will be marked as late, while students more than 15 minutes late will be marked as absent. Students late on two occasions will be marked as absent for one class. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to ask for any missed material and catch up any work. For technical support regarding online content, please consult the Institute of Information and Media (情報メディアセンター). Students must ensure their work is complete. Late assignments will be subjected to a penalty proportionate to how late they are submitted. There is zero tolerance for plagiarism. Class topics are subject to change. Consult the instructor if you have any questions or concerns.
日本史     世界史     歴史     日本学     比較歴史学     Japanese history     World history     History     Japanese Studies     Comparative history