講義内容詳細:Practical English Workshop Ⅰ[英語講義]/リーダーシップワークショップⅠ[英語講義]

年度/Academic Year 2023
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) Practical English Workshop Ⅰ[英語講義]/リーダーシップワークショップⅠ[英語講義]
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Practical English Workshop Ⅰ[in English]/Leadership Workshop Ⅰ[in English]
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) GODDARD,James A.
英文氏名/Instructor (English) GODDARD, James Allen

講義概要/Course description
This course is designed for students to develop specific practical English skills and knowledge with particular focus on various social and cultural issues in today's globalized society. It aims to help students understand these issues and be able to express their own ideas and thought in English. At the same time, in order to understand these issues from multiple perspectives, students will learn how to perceive and see things through group works and exercises. Specifically, we will be dealing with global topics such as cultural friction and food culture.

達成目標/Course objectives
To be able to understand various social and cultural issues in globalized society from multiple
perspectives and to be able to express ideas and thoughts related to these issues in their own words in English.

学部・研究科のディプロマポリシー(卒業認定・学位授与の方針)に基づき、当該科目を履修することで身につく能力 / Abilities to be acquired by completing the course in accordance with the faculty and graduate school diploma policy (graduation certification and degree conferral)
学部・研究科のディプロマポリシー(卒業認定・学位授与の方針)/ Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Policy (Graduation Certification and Degree Conferral)
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Introductions and orientation (online class (on-demand format)

授業計画/Class Understanding global issues: culture and society
授業計画/Class Understanding global issues: culture and society
授業計画/Class Understanding global issues: food and culture
授業計画/Class Understanding global issues: food and culture
授業計画/Class Understanding global issues: food and culture
授業計画/Class Understanding global issues: cultural friction and communication
授業計画/Class Understanding global issues: values and beliefs
授業計画/Class Understanding global issues: Global South and Global North
授業計画/Class Understanding global issues: perceptions
授業計画/Class Preparation for group presentations
授業計画/Class Group presentations and discussions
授業計画/Class Group presentations and discussions
授業計画/Class Individual presentations and discussion
授業計画/Class Individual presentations, discussion and feedbacks
事前学習/Preparation Work on class assignments, prepare for presentations, discussions, or other projects. 
事後学習/Reviewing Review the notes from class.
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method ハイブリッド型ブレンド形式 / hybrid blend
補足事項/Supplementary notesIn this class, students will deepen their understanding of global issues by practicing thinking for themselves on a variety of topics related to cultural and social issues through various methods such as group work, discussions, and presentations. For this reason, we will spend much time on group work and group discussions. Students will also conduct group and individual research on a topic of their choice and give presentations.

活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 平常点 In-class Points 80% Reaction papers, class participation and discussion, group work and presentation, individual work and presentations

2 レポート Report 20% Final project which could be a presentation, essay or other output.
課題(試験やレポート等)に対するフィードバックの方法/Feedback methods for assignments (exams, reports, etc.)
Feedback from the instructor will be in person or by email. 
This class will include much time for group work and discussion, therefore active participation in each class is required. Specific issues to be covered might be changed to reflect current events and student interests.

Practical English     Global Issues     Social Issues     Cultural Issues     Global Topics