
年度/Academic Year 2023
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 文学交流入門[英語講義]
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Introduction to International Literary Exchanges[in English]
学期/Semester 後期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 孫 世偉
英文氏名/Instructor (English) SON, Shih-wei

講義概要/Course description
In this class, we will read Keaveney's Beyond Brushtalk to explore interactions between Japanese and Chinese writers from 1919 to 1937. This inter-war period is known as the golden age of such exchange. During this period, travel between Japan and China became easier, which encouraged more Chinese writers to study in Japan. Meanwhile, a variety of Japanese writers traveled to China and interacted with the Chinese intellectuals. Major writers such as Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Tanizaki Jun’ichiro and Hayashi Fumiko are among the topics. This class aims to draw interest of those who are interested in literary exchange in general.

Class policies and requirements are as followed.

1. PLEASE FINISH YOUR READING ASSIGNMENT based on the syllabus before every class meeting. Please prepare a hard copy or an electronic version of the assigned textbook. Due to the copy right issues, unfortunately I am not allowed to upload the PDF files of the textbook.
2. ATTEND CLASS MEETINGS: except for THE FIRST CLASS Meeting that will be made in a pre-recorded on-demand video, all classes meetings will be held in a face-to-face manner. 

3. SUBMIT A SHORT ESSAY: After the class, please submit a short passage no longer than a double-spaced one page (100-200 words approximately) on any issue that you care from the reading assignment or the contents of the class. I will NOT give you a “prompt” on what to write. It can be a question, an opinion or a comment on the readings. Please post it on the coursework website; The submissions will be considered as part of your grade on participation and attendance.

4. FINAL PAPER: Please write a 5-10 double-spaced pages of final paper for this class. We will talk about how to do this in the final week of the instruction. 
達成目標/Course objectives
1. To familiarize oneself with the history of interaction between Japanese and Chinese writers in the inter-war period.

2. To better understand the encounter between Japanese literature and overseas literature being an interactive process

3. To learn the importance of literary exchange and how it impacts both sides
学部・研究科のディプロマポリシー(卒業認定・学位授与の方針)に基づき、当該科目を履修することで身につく能力 / Abilities to be acquired by completing the course in accordance with the faculty and graduate school diploma policy (graduation certification and degree conferral)
学部・研究科のディプロマポリシー(卒業認定・学位授与の方針)/ Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Policy (Graduation Certification and Degree Conferral)
Proficiency in either Japanese or Chinese is not required. However, it is advised to have basic knowledge about the influential Japanese and Chinese writers who were active in the 1920s and 1930s. 
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Introduction on the historical context of 1919-1937, Online meeting (On-demand video)
授業計画/Class The hub : Uchiyama Kanzō's Shanghai bookstore and its role in Sino-Japanese literary relations (1)
授業計画/Class The hub : Uchiyama Kanzō's Shanghai bookstore and its role in Sino-Japanese literary relations (2)
授業計画/Class Musings of a literary pilgrim : Tanizaki Junʼichirō's discoveries in China and their records (1)
授業計画/Class Musings of a literary pilgrim : Tanizaki Junʼichirō's discoveries in China and their records (2)
授業計画/Class The allure of the White Birch School to May fourth writers (1)
授業計画/Class The allure of the White Birch School to May fourth writers (2)
授業計画/Class Greener pastures : the new village ideal and May fourth intellectuals (1)
授業計画/Class Greener pastures : the new village ideal and May fourth intellectuals (2)
授業計画/Class The art of wanderlust : Hayashi Fumiko's encounters with China (1)
授業計画/Class The art of wanderlust : Hayashi Fumiko's encounters with China (2)
授業計画/Class Satō Haruo's "Ajia no ko" and Yu Dafu's response : literature, friendship, and nationalism (1)
授業計画/Class Satō Haruo's "Ajia no ko" and Yu Dafu's response : literature, friendship, and nationalism (2)
授業計画/Class Return to the brush : the polarization of the Chinese and Japanese literary communities in the 1930s (1)
授業計画/Class Return to the brush : the polarization of the Chinese and Japanese literary communities in the 1930s (2)
事前学習/Preparation Please finish the reading assignment (approximately half chapter a week).
事後学習/Reviewing Review the class contents of the lecture.
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notesLectures / discussion sessions when time allowed /Questions, opinions and comments in class and active participation are highly evaluated.
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 レポート Report 60% Final term paper
2 平常点 In-class Points 40% Class Participation
Published year
1 Christopher T. Keaveney Beyond brushtalk : Sino-Japanese literary exchange in the interwar period Hong Kong University Press 2008 9622099289 ¥6060
The class is designed to draw the attention of both Sinologist and Japanologist, or anyone who posseses an interest in literary exchange.
Lu Xun     Zhou Zuoren     Yu Dafu     Tanizaki Jun'ichiro     Uchimura Kanzo     Hayashi Fumiko     literary exchange