講義内容詳細:Academic English

年度/Academic Year 2021
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) Academic English
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Academic English
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 1
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 小川 ルビー
英文氏名/Instructor (English) OGAWA, Ruby

講義概要/Course description
Exploring a variety of contemporary topics, your coursework will provide each student with a chance to expand and consider different points of view.  With the more in-depth analysis and critical analysis of news articles, contemporary writings as well as social media sources, we will share in the insights of the global exchange that is taking place for all of us to learn from, and to gain insights into the human condition.
達成目標/Course objectives
Based on the ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE APPROACH, the students will be provided with multiple opportunities to utilize their language skills in a shared group setting.  Through an open, interactive approach while utilizing skills-based learning techniques, the student will be able to develop his or her critical thinking skills to evaluate the material from varying perspectives.
Please bring your electronic dictionary and/or other devices to class so that you can isolate the concepts in your own language of choice.  The immediacy of access to new information is important to gain more insights and to improve your bilingual skills.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class The first class will be face-to-face in the assigned classroom. Please note that all subsequent classes will be face-to-face as well for the semester.  Also, it is important to check COURSEPOWER each week for your assignments and learning material prior to each class.

FIRST CLASS LECTURE will be based on Asian Americans, and how are they?  How diverse is the Asian American population in America in contemporary society today?
事前学習/Preparation Class discussion on notable Asian Americans in Society and their contributions.
事後学習/Reviewing Assignment on the Asian American Identity
授業計画/Class What is the American Dream and other family stories? Let us talk about this today.

事前学習/Preparation Family values and social values in society. Let us discuss together.
事後学習/Reviewing Assignment on Family values, and the American dream
授業計画/Class Who was one of the first Japanese immigrants during the early part of the Meiji period?  Let us talk about his legacy and what contributions he made to American society in the state of California.
事前学習/Preparation Discussion on Japanese legacy in California, and what that means for us today.
事後学習/Reviewing Assignment on Japanese legacy and what your opinions are on moving to another country permanently.
授業計画/Class The influence of Japanese culture in American and how we can express ourselves through the Japanese TANKA POETRY. 
事前学習/Preparation Creating your own tanka poetry and powerpoint slides.
事後学習/Reviewing Assignment on presenting your tanka poetry in class next week.
授業計画/Class The Symbolic meaning of being American and the ideals of good citizenry
事前学習/Preparation Tanka Poetry Presentations
事後学習/Reviewing Self-evaluation of presentation
授業計画/Class Japanese American Internment Camp Stories during and after the war, and how the younger Japanese Americans helped their families with courage and conviction.  How each generation advances through the American system
事前学習/Preparation Discussion on the dedicated family values of Japanese American families
事後学習/Reviewing Assignment on Japanese Family Stories
授業計画/Class Midterm examination on the computer. The students will be allowed to bring notes to class.
事前学習/Preparation Class time will be allocated to the midterm examination
事後学習/Reviewing Self-evaluation of your current work progress
授業計画/Class The Immigration Stories of people from diverse backgrounds and learning to become Americans
事前学習/Preparation Discussion and review of multiple Immigration stories
事後学習/Reviewing Assignment and Review of Immigration stories
授業計画/Class Bilingual Education in America today, and how language studies have changed over the years
事前学習/Preparation Discussion on bilingual education in America as well as other countries
事後学習/Reviewing Assignment on comparative analysis of language studies in other countries
授業計画/Class What does it mean to be bicultural and/or bilingual?  Brain science tells us that learning two languages can maintain a healthy outlook on life.
事前学習/Preparation Discussion on brain science and the Impact of learning two languages
事後学習/Reviewing Assignment on biculturalism and bilingualism, and its benefits in contempoary society
授業計画/Class The politics of life, and how it affects us in America and its great diversity of viewpoints.
事前学習/Preparation Discussion on the importance of voting, and asserting your rights as Americans
事後学習/Reviewing Assignment on your opinion about human rights and the politics in America
授業計画/Class Review of making effective presentation talking points
事前学習/Preparation Class presentations
事後学習/Reviewing Self-evaluation and group evaluation
授業計画/Class Topical Points and brief summaries will be discussed
事前学習/Preparation Class Presentations
事後学習/Reviewing Self-evaluation and group evaluation
授業計画/Class Review for the upcoming final examination
事前学習/Preparation Consulting with students with the finalization of class work and projects
事後学習/Reviewing Preparation for final examination
授業計画/Class Final Examination will be taken on the computer. The students will be allowed to bring their notes to class.
事前学習/Preparation Finalizing all student work today
事後学習/Reviewing Completion of Coursework
授業方法/Method of instruction
The first day of class will be face-to-face in the assigned classroom. Please note that all subsequent classes will be held face-to-face as well.  All learning material and assignments can be found on COURSEPOWER for all students. This coursework is based on the ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE approach. All students will be able to build their English fluency and proficiency levels through an integrated system of exchange in a shared learning environment.
1 試験 Exam 100% Assignments 10%
Midterm Examination 35%
Final Examination 45%
In-Class Participation 10%
1 Your instructor will be providing each student with the learning material on COURSEPOWER. Please check COURSEPOWER weekly prior to each class session.
If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little higher above it; every arrow that flies feels the attraction of Earth....BY HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW
As part of discovery, the important aspect of this coursework, will provide students with a variety of cultural situations for comparison and analysis. In developing these key components embedded within the lessons, each student will be able to speak with confidence at the international level for the purposes of exchange, friendships, and higher learning.
Identity, Critical Analyais and Comparative Cultures, The Power of the Story-Telling Narrative