講義概要/Course description
This course aims at studying how to persuade people and how not to be deceived by using data. This course covers basic ideas of statistics as well as how to conduct statistical analysis. You are required to give presentations and participate actively in discussions. This course consists of two parts, (1) self introduction part and (2) statistical analysis part. (1) Self-introduction part is for students to get to know more about each other. You have to present your-self introduction. It will facilitate your discussion with other students in statistical analysis part. (2) Statistical analysis part is for students to get used to conducting statistical analysis. You can choose any topic of your presentation as long as you use statistics taught in this course. For instance, if you are interested in Tokyo Disney Resort, what affects the number of visitors is an example of your presentation topic. If you are interested in baseball or football, what affects the winning rate of your favorite team is an example of your presentation topic. If you are interested in diet, what affects your body weight is an example of your presentation topic.
達成目標/Course objectives
To acquire skills in statistical analysis, presentation and discussion in English.
学部・研究科のディプロマポリシー(卒業認定・学位授与の方針)に基づき、当該科目を履修することで身につく能力 / Abilities to be acquired by completing the course in accordance with the faculty and graduate school diploma policy (graduation certification and degree conferral)
学部・研究科のディプロマポリシー(卒業認定・学位授与の方針)/ Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Policy (Graduation Certification and Degree Conferral)
There is no prerequisite. This course is designed for those who are interested in how to analyse data, irrespective of students' major.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class |
オンライン授業(オンデマンド型)での実施。 Introduction
授業計画/Class |
Presentation of Students' Self-introduction
授業計画/Class |
Presentation of Students' Self-introduction |
授業計画/Class |
Presentation of Students' Self-introduction |
授業計画/Class |
Presentation of Students' Self-introduction |
授業計画/Class |
Correlation Analysis |
授業計画/Class |
Presentation using Correlation Analysis |
授業計画/Class |
Presentation using Correlation Analysis |
授業計画/Class |
Presentation using Correlation Analysis |
授業計画/Class |
Presentation using Correlation Analysis |
授業計画/Class |
Regression Analysis |
授業計画/Class |
Presentation using Regression Analysis |
授業計画/Class |
Presentation using Regression Analysis |
授業計画/Class |
Presentation using Regression Analysis |
授業計画/Class |
Presentation using Regression Analysis |
事前学習/Preparation |
Prepare for presentation |
事後学習/Reviewing |
Revise your analysis based on comments in class |
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class |
対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method |
通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notes本講義は対面授業(通常型)で実施します。
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used |
1 |
Each student is required to make some comments or raise a question at least once in each session. Students are evaluated on the basis of their presentation and how actively they participate in discussion.
I have worked as an economist at the Bank of Japan. I will teach from the viewpoint of academics and that of central bank.
hands-on experience