
年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 英語による日本研究Ⅰ[英語講義]
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Japanese Studies (in English) Ⅰ[in English]
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) STOILOVA,Victoria I.
英文氏名/Instructor (English) STOILOVA, Victoria Iosifova

講義概要/Course description
This seminar-style course will focus on the interpretation and analysis of texts from a variety of genres and modes of writing in English on specific subjects related to Japan. Students will be introduced to different aspects of Japan’s political, cultural and literary history by reading and discussing articles from newspapers, journals and academic sources in Anglophone contexts. Through intensive reading, this course will push the students into developing reading comprehension of different texts by providing skills, strategies and cognitive experiences. In addition, writing, such as paraphrasing and summarizing will be introduced to develop critical thinking as well as to increase reading fluency and accuracy, thus, helping build interpreting skills through “meta-textual” translation and interpretation.

Special emphasis will be given to building, developing and mastering TOEIC listening and reading skills through extensively working with related practice activities. Accommodations in the syllabus will be provided in accordance with the students' level of English proficiency and the class enrollment.









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達成目標/Course objectives
1. to engage critically with a wide range of texts, documentary movies and current political, economic and cultural events
2. to help build stronger critical reading and writing skills
3. to approach the readings and discussions with an analytical and critical frame of mind
4. to develop cultural sensitivity and diversity awareness
5. to develop TOEIC listening and reading skills
Class space is limited to about 20 students. There will be three different classes according to the English level of each student. Annual sign-up is held in the beginning of April. Contact the instructor by email (vstoilova@sccs.aoyama.ac.jp) until the 8th of April in order to be assessed and enrolled in a respective class. Since the classes will be divided according to the students’ level of English proficiency, and there is a possibility of switching to online instruction due to Covid-19, some scheduling accommodations on the course syllabus will be carefully thought-out and provided for adequate containment.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Pre-Introductory Session:
As the official registration starts from April the 12th, the first class will be held as a pre-introductory session to test the online system and offer students an opportunity to get acquainted with the reading materials and the instructor’s objectives.

授業計画/Class Introductory Session:
Introduction and Orientation, Prerequisite and Grading, Sources, Approaches, Themes of the class etc. 
授業計画/Class Concepts of Japan, Japanese Culture and the Japanese (1):
Text: Discussing Japanese Culture: Douglas McGray, “Japan’s Gross National Cool” in Foreign Policy, November 2009
授業計画/Class Concepts of Japan, Japanese Culture and the Japanese (2): 
Text: Close Reading of Douglas McGray, “Japan’s Gross National Cool,” in Foreign Policy, November 2009.
授業計画/Class Concepts of Japan, Japanese Culture and the Japanese (3): 
Text: Close Reading of Douglas McGray, “Japan’s Gross National Cool,” in Foreign Policy, November 2009
Video/Film: Video/Film: Viewing of CNNTalk Asia, a documentary episode on Takashi Murakami
授業計画/Class Concepts of Japan, Japanese Culture and the Japanese (4): 
Text: Close Reading of Douglas McGray, “Japan’s Gross National Cool,” in Foreign Policy, November 2009.
Video/Film: Viewing of Joseph Nye on Global Power shifts, TEDGlobal. 2010.
授業計画/Class Concepts of Japan, Japanese Culture and the Japanese (5): 
Text: The course text material will be based on a selected article, which will cover current issues in Japanese culture and arts.
授業計画/Class Visit to a Museum (depending on the situation, the visit might be held online or a reading related to the field of art institutions in the current pandemic situation will be provided).
授業計画/Class Culture and Arts (1)
Text: Course text will be based on a selected article, which will cover current issues in Japanese culture and arts.
授業計画/Class Culture and Arts (2)
Text: Course text will be based on a selected article, which will cover current issues in Japanese culture and arts.
授業計画/Class Culture and Arts  (3)
Text: Close Reading (continued)
授業計画/Class Politics and Economics (1)
Text: Course text will be based on a selected article, which will cover current issues in Japanese politics and economics.
授業計画/Class Politics and Economics (2)
Text: Close Reading (continued)
授業計画/Class Politics and Economics (3)
Text: Close Reading (continued)
授業計画/Class Review & Wrap-Up
事前学習/Preparation Read the assigned paragraphs from the distributed handouts. Review the assigned TOEIC practice assignments.
事後学習/Reviewing Read the assigned paragraphs and prepare for close reading and classroom discussion. Review TOEIC vocabulary.
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notesInteractive lectures on the reading assignments and seminar-style class discussions, documentaries and movies.

オンライン授業(ZOOM使用)を実施する場合、Course Powerにて適宜指示する。

This class will be conducted as a face-to-face class (traditional physical type).
If classes should be switched to online educational mode of teaching, please refer to Course Power for relevant instructions on how to log on ZOOM online classes.
The first class will be conducted as an asynchronous online class (on-demand type).
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 100% The course will be based mostly on reading and discussions about selected texts. Assignments will include class discussions, short responses to readings, weekly assignments and a final paper. Requirements include collaborative thinking and close reading as well as short summary papers of articles, occasional translation assignments and orthographic text dictations on assigned audios/videos. Proper preparation and consistent attendance are essential. Depending on the class size and the level of English proficiency of the students, evaluation criteria may be subject to minor changes in order to accommodate diversity in instructional methods.
Class discussion: 40% (includes participation and class contribution)
Weekly reading TOEIC assignments: 20%
Final Paper: 40%
課題(試験やレポート等)に対するフィードバックの方法/Feedback methods for assignments (exams, reports, etc.)
Feedback on the weekly TOEIC assignments (explanation in class, correcting and returning the assignments); feedback and assessment of final report
1 Significant sections of the readings assigned throughout the course of the semester will be provided in handouts, and additional bibliography will be introduced according to how the class progresses.
参考書/Reference books
1 Additional bibliography and a list for further reading will be introduced and handouts provided in accordance with the course progress.
At the beginning of the semester, reading will be especially difficult, as many vocabulary and grammatical elements as well as essential terms from the historical and cultural vocabulary of Japan have yet to be introduced. Please note that the class calendar is subject to change; the instructor reserves the right to alter readings as class progress dictates. Those who want to achieve a more thorougher understanding of texts written in English and a broader grounding in Japanese studies are strongly encouraged to continue with Japanese Studies (in English)Ⅱ. The extensive vocabulary and grammar notes we will deal with in class subsequently will make it easy to proceed with reading and listening comprehension practice.
Level of English proficiency notwithstanding, all students are welcome, and I am committed to doing whatever it takes to help you be successful in this course.
Please note that the class calendar is subject to change depending on class size and English level; I reserve the right to alter readings as class progress dictates.
This syllabus outlines the basic framework for the course. It is subject to change as we proceed throughout the semester. In addition to what is listed here, I will be assigning relevant reading assignments as well as TOEIC drills. We will also be regularly discussing current events and news coverage as well as exploring analytical and research techniques that suit the needs of the class moving forward. If there is another topic or skill you would like to work on in class at any point, please let me know. I will do my best to accommodate your requests.

Your final grade for this course will reflect not only the quality of the work you produce, but also the quality of your participation in the collaborative activities of intensive and extensive reading; thus, your responses to the texts, your participation in class discussions, and your level of effort will all contribute to your final grade.
Japanese Studies     English Language     Critical Thinking     Close Reading     TOEIC