年度/Academic Year |
2023 |
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) |
Integrated EnglishⅡ/Integrated EnglishⅡ(再)/イングリッシュコミュニケーションⅡ(再)/英語(ⅠA)-2/英語(ⅠB)-2 |
英文科目名/Course Title (English) |
Integrated English Ⅱ/English Communication Ⅱ/English (ⅠA)-2/English (ⅠB)-2 |
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) |
LAMBACHER, Stephen G/ 塚田 雅也/ 間野 優梨/ 米山 明日香/ CULLIGAN, Brent A. / HOWL,Paul F./TRAUB, Toby G.F. |
英文氏名/Instructor (English) |
LAMBACHER, Stephen G/ TSUKADA, Masaya/ MANO, Yuri/ YONEYAMA Asuka/ CULLIGAN, Brent A. / HOWL,Paul F./TRAUB, Toby G. |
講義概要/Course description
This course focuses on developing students' communicative competence in using the global language of English. It emphasizes both the productive and receptive components of English communication. In particular, the course focuses on the development of listening, speaking, vocabulary, and presentation skills using a variety of interactive activities with authentic academic English lectures and texts. As classes will be conducted in a CALL classroom, a special emphasis will be placed on the development of communication skills using computers, including E-learning.
達成目標/Course objectives
(1) To improve listening skills (including listening to academic lectures). (2) To improve speaking skills (in the area of academic-related topics), including building confidence in speaking in conversations and group discussions. (3) To improve presentation skills (including strong voice, eye contact, gestures, and pronunciation). (3) To increase academic vocabulary. (4) Emphasis will be placed on pair and group work for the purpose of developing listening, speaking, presentation, and critical thinking skills.
学部・研究科のディプロマポリシー(卒業認定・学位授与の方針)に基づき、当該科目を履修することで身につく能力 / Abilities to be acquired by completing the course in accordance with the faculty and graduate school diploma policy (graduation certification and degree conferral)
学部・研究科のディプロマポリシー(卒業認定・学位授与の方針)/ Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma Policy (Graduation Certification and Degree Conferral)
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class |
Week 1 「対面授業」 (1) Course orientation (Syllabus and E-Learning) (2) Speaking: Chapter 1 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 2 「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 1 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 1 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 3 「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 2 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 2 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 4 「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 3 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 3 (3) Individual presentations 1 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 5 「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 4 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 4 (3) Individual presentations 1 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 6 「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 5 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 5 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 7 「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 6 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 6 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 8「対面授業」 (1) Midterm Exam (2) Individual Presentations 2 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 9「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 7 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 7 (3) Individual presentations 2 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 10 「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 8 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 8 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 11「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 9 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 9 |
授業計画/Class |
Week 12「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 10 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 10 (3) Group presentations |
授業計画/Class |
Week 13「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 11 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 11 (3) Group presentations |
授業計画/Class |
Week 14「対面授業」 (1) Listening and Vocabulary: Chapter 12 (2) Speaking and Presentation: Chapter 12 (3) Group presentations |
授業計画/Class |
Week 15「対面授業」 (1) Final Exam (2) Final Exam |
事前学習/Preparation |
complete the assigned homework, including e-learning |
事後学習/Reviewing |
review the lecture contents from the previous class |
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class |
対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method |
通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notes初回より「対面授業」で実施
活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used |
1 |
Homework, Midterm and Final Exams, 2 Individual and 1 Group Presentation, E-Learning, Participation, TOEIC
| 著者名 Author | タイトル Title | 出版社 Publisher | ISBN | コメント Comments |
1 |
(1) Course textbooks (to be announced), (2) E-Learning (ReallyEnglish)
2 |
To be decided
The textbook will be used for Thursday classes; the book level will vary according to the class and teacher.
3 |
Charles LeBeau
Speaking of Speech, Premium Edition, Student Book
Cengage Learning
This textbook will be used for all of the Monday classes.
Students must bring a strong desire to learn English and a willingness to actively participate in class!
欠席数が予定授業数の3分の1以上になった場合は評価の対象から外します(単位を認定いたしません。) At the end of the course, students will take the official TOEIC iBT exam. Students not attaining a TOEIC score at least comparable to a Junior High School graduate level score in Japan will not earn course credit.
English listening, conversation, pronunciation, presentations