
年度/Academic Year 2022
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 科学技術英語Ⅰ
英文科目名/Course Title (English) English for Science and Technology PresentationsⅠ
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) ROBERTSON,Charles E./EVANS,David R. / POLAND, Dean L. /BRADY, Mark J./河上 睦
英文氏名/Instructor (English) ROBERTSON, Charles Edward/EVANS, David Richard/POLAND, Dean Laurence/BRADY, Mark John/KAWAKAMI Mutsumi

講義概要/Course description
This class prepares students to make scientific presentations in English. The basics of academic presentations along with writing abstracts in English will be covered in detail. Because this is a half- year course, attendance and participation are very important. The class will be taught in English by native speakers of English.
達成目標/Course objectives
Students will learn how to give academic presentations, in English, on topics within their research areas. Students will develop original content and learn how to craft presentations, paying attention to vocabulary, use of visual aids, preparedness, delivery skills and critical listening skills. Upon completion of this class, students will be able to present their research clearly and confidently.

授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Orientation & course introduction; 
Introductions, course requirements, & classroom procedures  
授業計画/Class Presentation methods — lecture and on-line support;
Organization of presentations; Group work

授業計画/Class Visual aids: How to construct simple, effective aids — lecture and on-line support; Group work
授業計画/Class Presentation 1 - Day 1 (from a manuscript) - Self-introduction (related to interest in Science); Feedback — Instructor & peer evaluations    
授業計画/Class Presentation 1 - Day 2 (from a manuscript) - Self-introduction (related to interest in Science); Feedback — Instructor & peer evaluations    

授業計画/Class Abstracts: How to write a basic abstract—lecture and
on-line support; individual search for good models
授業計画/Class Pronunciation and gesture practice in preparation for Presentation 2; Abstract submission
授業計画/Class Presentation 2 - Day 1 - Explaining a Process/ How Something Works (from memory); Feedback — Instructor & peer evaluations

授業計画/Class Presentation 2 - Day 2 - Explaining a Process/ How Something Works (from memory); Feedback — Instructor & peer evaluations

授業計画/Class Delivery: Selling your topic — lecture and on-line support

授業計画/Class Technical terminology; group collaboration 

授業計画/Class Abstract submission and practice for Presentation 3; Notecard preparation
授業計画/Class Presentation 3 - Day 1 - My Field of Research (or major field of study) (from notes); Feedback — Instructor & peer evaluations
授業計画/Class Presentation 3 - Day 2 - My Field of Research (or major field of study) (from notes); Feedback — Instructor & peer evaluations
授業計画/Class Final course review; Final course wrap-up & review
事前学習/Preparation Students must watch the Week#1 on-demand class recording and read the syllabus carefully BEFORE the Week#2 class. Presentation#1 will be given in the Week#2 class. 
事後学習/Reviewing All presentations will be recorded, and students MUST watch their own recorded presentations and do a self-evaluation after each presentation.
授業方法/Method of instruction
区分/Type of Class 対面授業 / Classes in-person
実施形態/Class Method 通常型 / regular
補足事項/Supplementary notesAll classes are conducted in English and face to face with the use of CoursePower for submitting assignments. Only Week 1 will be conducted on-demand. For detailed information, please check Week 1 and Message on CoursePower.

活用される授業方法/Teaching methods used
1 100% Presentations
First   10%
Mid     15%
Final   20% 
Writing Abstracts (2) =  20%
Participation = Peer Evaluations 25%
E-learning  10%
Total 100%

1 All necessary learning materials & documents available online: Course Power / Provided in class
参考書/Reference books
1  Familiarity with on-line dictionary and writing tools.
“On-demand” classes will be held during the first week in the Spring Semester and in the Fall Semester
For unexcused absences, students will be penalized in the following manner:

i.  2 or more absences = no grade for this course

No penalties for students who bring proof [欠席届] of valid absence or tardy. 
Cheating on class task (homework, quiz, etc.)= 0 on assignment
Any other serious cheating or plagiarism of presentation content= 0 in class